Moon Face Reduction???


Many of us know when we cycle we get that bloated moon face an it seems to stick around afterwords........What do you guys do to get rid of it while on cycle? I know the obvious is to diet but I wanna bulk and keep the lean look on my face. Ive read many people on elite using yohimburn on there face for this purpose..........anyone?
Its water retension....take an anti-aromatese....and keep sodium not too high...or any other mineral/food that's known for water retension


sorry about the edit,,lol I hit the wrong key.

Yes that's true,,,add some Nolva,,or,,Arimdex and you should
be fine.

I agree with HHH! As far as Yohimburn, I read on other boards that people were using it on their abs. The only thing they saw fading away was their money. So I don't think that stuff works.
stick with the nolva/20-40mg a day keep sodium out of diet as much as possible.. i fight the same problems the only side i get is moon face ...
I heard of bros using dandelion. But I've used ldex with much success. Also proviron but less successful.
ldex doesnt do it for me.........niether has taraxatone......even when I diet down I still have hints of moon
Cyphon, liquid products never did anything for me, I got gyno on l-dex before. The real deal will solve the problem, its expensive but it works. There are also some suppliers that carry the generics for like $2 a pill, thats not that bad. The ultimate is to find a good powder sup with real arimidex powder and make your own. I use 50/50 mix of everclear and glycerin, put 2 drops of mint extract per 30mls and its pretty tastey.
Massive1 has a point too!!!!!

Dandelion is a natural diuretic (which lowers BP and [obviously] decreases water retention). It also contains potassium (K) which is nice to have when taking diuretics that don't spare K.

Drink more water ED to help lower the body's water level while also getting rid of toxins and keeping the liver and kidneys healthy.

Nolvadex has always worked great for me at doses as low as 10mg am/pm.