Most impressive thing in the gym ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What is the most impressive thing you have seen in the gym...lift, person, ect...???

as for lifts, it would be this kid out of my one gym...he was a young farm kid...about 280lbs at 6-2..He was dumb as a brick...just stupid....Honestly it took him 4 years of collage for a 2 year degree....(no joke)....anyway, he was down right strong as an ox....I've seen him do, 180lbs dumbell incline presses for 4 reps...bent rows at 405lbs for reps...yes, they were half clean reps (the first 4-5 reps) squat well over 500lbs for reps...Leg press, a house, ect, ect...You get the point...He was big boned...and just had ligaments of steel...just sick strengh...and dumb as hell...LOL !!! :bench:
a 16-17 year old power clean 335 for 5 sets of 5 reps. His weight was about 235lbs then.
It's not in a gym, but Presser's transformation from his old avatar to his new one, quite impressive
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In all honesty, probably the most impressive thing I've seen was a guy do 180# dumbbells for 12 on shoulder press. I just can't fathom trying to balance those.
In all honesty, probably the most impressive thing I've seen was a guy do 180# dumbbells for 12 on shoulder press. I just can't fathom trying to balance those.

Damn bro you should have come over and said hi, lmao
I'm the most impressive thing in the gym.:laugh: yeah right, but I did see a girl leg press almost 500lbs and I mean like a highschool girl. Thought that was pretty awesome.
saw a guy bench 495 and he weighed like 300lbs. when he racked the weight, the bench lower foot came off the ground despite his big ass laying on it.
this guy also squated 500lbs ass to grass for reps
mostly girls doing stiff legged deads or squatting down with the kettle ball hanging by the crotch, that always impresses the hell out of me!
saw a guy bench 495 and he weighed like 300lbs. When he racked the weight, the bench lower foot came off the ground despite his big ass laying on it.
This guy also squated 500lbs ass to grass for reps

what do u mean? Like it almost toppled over?
I'm the most impressive thing in the gym.:laugh: yeah right, but I did see a girl leg press almost 500lbs and I mean like a highschool girl. Thought that was pretty awesome.

You sure that wasn't Nair??? Naw, probably too heavy for him.
(just kidding Nair - lol)

Thinking about it, not impressive but probably funniest. Local competitive
bodybuilder doing leg presses on a old machine where you lie on your back
under the weight, put you feet up under the platform with the weithts on
it and press up and down. He was struggling on getting the last rep up,
was wearing some pretty small shorts, and his ass erupted. Crap all over
the floor and equipment. He ran to the bathroom and his partner blamed
it on dieretics. After the shock (and the smell) and the pissed owner
having one of his flunkies clean it up, we couldn't stop laughing.
You sure that wasn't Nair??? Naw, probably too heavy for him.
(just kidding Nair - lol)

Thinking about it, not impressive but probably funniest. Local competitive
bodybuilder doing leg presses on a old machine where you lie on your back
under the weight, put you feet up under the platform with the weithts on
it and press up and down. He was struggling on getting the last rep up,
was wearing some pretty small shorts, and his ass erupted. Crap all over
the floor and equipment. He ran to the bathroom and his partner blamed
it on dieretics. After the shock (and the smell) and the pissed owner
having one of his flunkies clean it up, we couldn't stop laughing.

that's really not even funny; it is simply embarrassing for the guy. I would never dream of laughing about that in a million years. Imagine yourself in his position, granted most people would not push themselves to that extreme, but it is hardly different than puking while doing squats. I think it shows a truly dedicated work ethic that should be commended (aside from the utterly disgusting smell that would linger for days to come)...
I have three that come to mind. 1st would be watching Doug Reiser workout. I was about 20 when I worked at a local gym and they hired him to run it. He was a top amatuer. He placed 5th at the nationals if I remember right. Anyway, he was my height (6'4") and 320lbs. His back was awesome and these were the days of large backs. He would "walk" and as easy as I could pick-up a piece of cake, lift 405lbs barbell row for 10 reps. No sweat or anything. Even at my best and juiced to the max, I could only do 315lbs with only the first few clean.
2nd- I bagged groceries at Giant food and the security guard was a huge dumb as rocks guy. He was about 6'9" and he grabbed a coke machine from the top, squeezed it and picked it up like it was a box of ceral and moved it to the other side of the side-walk. Probably had a growth hormone problem and was like a mule. Very, Very strong.
3rd- Another huge, gifted idiot. His name was Moose. He bounced at the local bar and I saw him man handle many men like they were toys. He had zero temper, calm as could be but one night this dude pissed him off so he grabbed him and threw him from the front step to a stop sign that was at least 25 feet away, bending the sign. It reminded me of that show, The Greatest American Hero, who couldn't fly well.
lol, yes these estrogen pills are doing wonders for me
You rock the thong well brutha. Anyway, first thing there was this girl at my old gym that could deep squat 275, yes she had a ass from hell. Second there was a guy I knew that I saw shrug 765 for 10 clean reps, then jerked it up to his chin then drop it. Sound like a tuck hit the building when it hit the floor.
back in 2000, rich gaspari and one of his buddies was working out at my gym (formely VIP, now Diesel). His buddy was doing behind the neck presses with 275 with full rom. I can barely do 135 on the smith without something cracking
that's really not even funny; it is simply embarrassing for the guy. I would never dream of laughing about that in a million years. Imagine yourself in his position, granted most people would not push themselves to that extreme, but it is hardly different than puking while doing squats. I think it shows a truly dedicated work ethic that should be commended (aside from the utterly disgusting smell that would linger for days to come)...

This guy was a jerk. Biggest ass of the whole gym. That had something
to do with it being so funny. (sorry to hijack the post)