Most Recent Ramy pic


believe this is just before his illness


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look how freakn big his biceps are they are legitmalty larger than a grapefruit (no Kai pun intended)
Fuuuuuuh! Dude is gonna do some damage! I wonder what his next show is going to be.
how's he take a shit? with that much size I would think that it'd be hard to be able to reach back there
Looking like a shorter Greg kovacs. His wife used to wipe his ass for him. Bet ramy has Dennis James do it. Much money as he probably pays him. I'd make him wipe my butt hole too, and powder that bitch. And dress me every morning too.
Speaking of Greg K does anyone know what he did to himself? It looks like his liver failed or something and his body just couldn't control the water retention or some shit.
Speaking of Greg K does anyone know what he did to himself? It looks like his liver failed or something and his body just couldn't control the water retention or some shit.

Can't walk around at 300lbs plus forever, eventually its gonna catch up with you.
Looking like a shorter Greg kovacs. His wife used to wipe his ass for him. Bet ramy has Dennis James do it. Much money as he probably pays him. I'd make him wipe my butt hole too, and powder that bitch. And dress me every morning too.

A) as much money as he pays him??? are u kidding me?

B) you do know both of them are here reading this BS right?? Ramy is Laughing and Dennis wants to squeeze your head until it pops and you die! lol. Just thought you might wanna know incase you ever approach them at an expo and wonder why they kicked the shit out of you when all you wanted was an autograph lol
You serious?
Well im a fan but they square up to me they better be prepared cuz I never go no where with out my brass knuckles. I'm not joking about that either. I'm a nice guy but square up to me and I'll fucking split your face open. Big ramy and Dennis be nice or pay twice. Big between the leg wiping potato heads.
You serious?
Well im a fan but they square up to me they better be prepared cuz I never go no where with out my brass knuckles. I'm not joking about that either. I'm a nice guy but square up to me and I'll fucking split your face open. Big ramy and Dennis be nice or pay twice. Big between the leg wiping potato heads.

Haha, I haven't seen a set of brass knuckles in years, I used to have a set, but I think my parents found them and probably threw them away. I was actually looking for some online for my girlfriend a little while ago