Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...


Staff member
Fuck, shit! Fuck Fuck Fuck And FUUUUUCKKKK

Thats all I got to say about that! :curse:
Do we even want to know? Internal Revenue's not a Service, it's a Remover ;P Should be the I.R.R. :P
Do we even want to know? Internal Revenue's not a Service, it's a Remover ;P Should be the I.R.R. :P

I just owe them a shit ton of money thats all! I keep saying i am going to pay quarterly but i never do and wind up having to pay them a huge lump sum. I had just got off the phone with them when i posted this thread lol, then i took a fucking depression nap for an hour and I'm back to normal now lol, sorry for the rant lol.
Maybe I'll start selling my body part time, lol, see if i can put a dent in this shit lol anyone wan a buy the same exact pair of underwear i have on in my avatar? bidding starts at 25k$ lol,
They are brutal.always trying to stick it to the middle class.Just trying to make a decent living and Bam they fuck you hard.i paid $ 58k in federal taxes last year and still had to send them a check on 15 April.give me a fucking break.people out there living for free with all the benefits and they shove it up the working mans ass.W.T.F. Already.Sorry I
There are no skid marks right...LMAO, brother that wasn't a rant the fuckers are crooks, an illegal entity and should be abolishes.They keep them around to rob the working class so the rich don't have to pay......Fuck Them!!!! :)

Maybe I'll start selling my body part time, lol, see if i can put a dent in this shit lol anyone wan a buy the same exact pair of underwear i have on in my avatar? bidding starts at 25k$ lol,
lol yeah it's bullshit! Maybe I should transfer the business to a PO BOX in the Bahamas and call it a day like Facebook and all those big fuckers do
cracks me up when someone wealthy relocates out of country and they put them down as just trying to get out of paying taxes. FUCK YES lol got fucked myself this year. FUCK lol
cracks me up when someone wealthy relocates out of country and they put them down as just trying to get out of paying taxes. FUCK YES lol got fucked myself this year. FUCK lol

yeah you have to be wealthy though to bother with setting up your company in a tax free place. I mean anyone can do it really but unless your rich it will hurt you not being able to show income, you wouldn't be able to buy a house, buy a car etc… so its just for the rich in my humble opinion! Theoretically I could set up a company offshore and pay them ""advertising fees"' totaling every dime i make, and not have to pay taxes, but not showing income would kill me unless i was cash rich! lol

I think a lot of companies do this, they make all their money stateside, then they set up a company offshore and pay that companies say Advertising fees in the full amount of their total sales, and then they can show a loss or nothing at all! And they would then own this offshore ""advertising company"" but all the money would be in an offshore bank account, so yeah anyone could get away with this, but I'm not rich and i need to show my income! lol

Plus I was always told that you NEVER EVER fuck with the IRS lol, so I don't intend to start now, I pay every dime i owe and then some! lol
Plus I was always told that you NEVER EVER fuck with the IRS lol, so I don't intend to start now, I pay every dime i owe and then some! lol

^^^^ You got that right Presser! I seem to recall that you said almost those exact words a year
^^^^ You got that right Presser! I seem to recall that you said almost those exact words a year

yup! cause i probably did many times here over the years lol, I wind up always paying my taxes at the end of the year and fucking myself over! lol I really need to learn to pay quarterly
I have filed every yr for extension since the 80's. My accountant told me if I ever filed on time, I'd probably get audited! :)

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I have filed every yr for extension since the 80's. My accountant told me if I ever filed on time, I'd probably get audited! :)
Fuck if I ever got audited, I'd learn the entire words to O' Canada in a hurry!!!
I have filed every yr for extension since the 80's. My accountant told me if I ever filed on time, I'd probably get audited! :)

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Fuck if I ever got audited, I'd learn the entire words to O' Canada in a hurry!!!

Not me I will be headed to Costa Rica!
I have filed every yr for extension since the 80's. My accountant told me if I ever filed on time, I'd probably get audited! :)

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Fuck if I ever got audited, I'd learn the entire words to O' Canada in a hurry!!!

lol my accountant has all these numbers glued to his ceiling and he always points up and says pick a number out of the sky whenever I'm not sure about an exact number lol funny as shit actually!