Mr Olympia Contest & Train w/ George Farah. Human Evolution Supps!

yeah bro, did you click the banner it takes you right to the page . easy peasy
Just think, you could win this trip, and be pool side at the after parties with ole Pressy Press, throw back some shots with me, being my wing man, taking my left over stragglers at the parties, Oh and of course theirs the Mr Olympia show, but come one the real party is the after party and i will let you guys even try on my first pair of posing trunk i ever wore!!! Cant beat that deal, lol, NOW GO SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS AND TRY TO WIN
Oh and when you train with george and ask him questions, then see him lean over and whisper in my ear, yeah thats him asking MY advice! lmao, kidding of course, but don't forget this training session with someone who can change your way of thinking and training in a heart beat!

get your submissions in
so aside from this win a free trip, who all is going to the mr o this year? just curious