Muscle Girls Inc. (11-10-09): JulieAnn Kulla & Cheryl Brown!


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Muscle Girls Inc. (11-10-09): JulieAnn Kulla & Cheryl Brown!

IFBB Figure Pro JulieAnn Kulla is fresh off a top 5 finish at this past weekends IFBB Sacremento Pro. This stunning Species Nutrition sponsored athlete is also a model who has graced the pages of Muscle & Fitness, and takes some time out to talk about her career with Colette & Krissy.

Cheryl Brown is an IFBB Figure Pro who took 2nd place at the Sacremento show, which means this rookie is qualified to step on stage at the Olympia next year. She's a wife with 3 kids, is an exercise physiologist, nutritionist and fitness model. Discover how she juggles it all, tonight, only on Muscle Girls Inc.!
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I personally thought JulieAnn should have placed in front of Cheryl Brown. Oh well, I still can't get the figure placings right. Here's a quick pic from the Sacramento Pro where they last competed against each other.

far green then the blonde then the red suit, but id throttle every one of them anytime.
The ONE in the MIDDLE.. Yes THE BLONDE.. Nice Quad Development.. You can see she has DANGEROUS Triceps... My wife just confirmed it... she would gladly INVITE her into bed with us... Ok yah so my WIFE is the greatest ever... she likes to eat out at the same place I do... ALWAYS A PLUS... Now I just need to have my wife introduce herself to her, and bring her back... She has this way of ummm... convincing women to come home with us... Yep.. I do have to say MY LIFE KICKS ASS.. Just something appealing and perfect and 100% hot to see your wife's face buried between another smoking hot woman's thighs... I dont know HOW I got so lucky.. But I did.. wouldn't trade my life for any amount of anything... :D:D
far green then the blonde then the red suit, but id throttle every one of them anytime.

Hahaha, never heard that one before, but I'll be using it from now on :D ... and yes, they'd all get it as well, Kristi Tauti (the blonde) would be first