Muscle Milk * Consumer Report*

There's an article over on by Derek Cornelius that mentions glycocyamine being used to convert to creatine in the liver for non-creatine responders, but that you must also supplement with betaine in a 4:1 ratio to keep the liver supplied with methyl groups or the glycocyamine will increase homocysteine and cause damage, etc. He recommends always having a 4:1 ratio of betaine to glycocyamine in any product using glycocyamine.
I don't see that ingredient on the 2 bottles of Muscle Milk I have sitting in front of me. I have the new "improved" formula here. I wonder if it has been removed?....

I have an old jug of muscle milk and it is listed and true it's not listed on the new jugs.....I love the stuff and still wonder in an unregulated industry if they just stopped listing it or in fact removed it from the formula.
I have noticed coca cola started distrubuting some of the mm rtds in Louisiana as of late. I just read this post and never knew about this issue. I can assure you of this. I will never buy monster milk. That crap is awful. It was free and I could barely make myself drink it. LOL. If anyone finds out about please post an update about the new contents.
For me its simple, that artilcle was just too long to read and muscle milk tastes soooo good..... I think Im gonna have one. Lol!
I have an old jug of muscle milk and it is listed and true it's not listed on the new jugs.....I love the stuff and still wonder in an unregulated industry if they just stopped listing it or in fact removed it from the formula.

They did remove it.. You can do a quick search on Google for a few articles from Cyto saying they removed it. But did they really??? :shocked:
I have noticed coca cola started distrubuting some of the mm rtds in Louisiana as of late. I just read this post and never knew about this issue. I can assure you of this. I will never buy monster milk. That crap is awful. It was free and I could barely make myself drink it. LOL. If anyone finds out about please post an update about the new contents.

Yeah i do alot of work for the Coke plants here contracting and they get paid to store it and distribute. They also distribute the cambells soup sip things. and lost of other shit.
Bump for those wanting info on what used to be muscle milk. Label shows no more toxins but then again we would need independent lab analysis to truly confirm.