Muscle Worship..WTF?


National Strongman Competitor
So a few days ago, some guy who commented on a YouTube video (another reason I don't advertise them) of mine, started messaging me..first was a nice compliment and then next message, he asked me if I would be interested in Muscle Worship on Skype and he'd pay me..I wrote back, sounds pretty gay to me...and he sent a video...

I have never seen something so f_ing gay in my entire life...WTF is this bullshit? Did any of you guys know about this?? Never heard of it in all my years...Kind of horrified to be honest.

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Yep- some straight competitive guys do it at my gym- they make a lot of money doing that especially if they don't have a job and all they do is train... need money for supps , shows , etc...
The wives and GF's know about it.
To each their own...
like everyone else said i think it's pretty common, i know a guy who does photo shoots for what i think most would consider gay websites.
Yeah a friend of mine from the last gym I worked out at was doing this via live video over the pc,lol, he asked me about it and i said i never did it, and then he asked me to please never tell anyone he was doing it,lol. He was a jacked fucker to and they were asking him to do shit like turnaround and grab your ankles,lol. crazy shit, but he said they paid well and he was far from gay!
So a few days ago, some guy who commented on a YouTube video (another reason I don't advertise them) of mine, started messaging me..first was a nice compliment and then next message, he asked me if I would be interested in Muscle Worship on Skype and he'd pay me..I wrote back, sounds pretty gay to me...and he sent a video...

I have never seen something so f_ing gay in my entire life...WTF is this bullshit? Did any of you guys know about this?? Never heard of it in all my years...Kind of horrified to be honest.

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All I can say is they look like two ***s !!!!
Thats disgusting *** stuff, thing is what ever they pay you they will probably record then sell underground DVD's all over the web making huge money, the mafia was milking the ***s for years , they are the ones that started the gay bars charging huge cover prices and expensive drinks. So if you do it and you see a DVD for sale years later don't be surprised, they might pay you a little but its next to nothing for what they will make
? the mafia? never thought they would get involved in gay shit, then again i dont know any mafia people,lol. And for the record i will NOT click on those video links above! lol
? the mafia? never thought they would get involved in gay shit, then again i dont know any mafia people,lol. And for the record i will NOT click on those video links above! lol

You know you've already watched them a few times
Oh yeah, my neighbor has been asked several times to do stuff like this but for private customers. He said one guy offered to pay him $5k to jerk off in front of him, no video.
Advise Against This!

Have seen a lot over the years. And some athletes I coached for shows asked me about whether to take money offered for private posing and/or more. Usually, the ones willing to pay are gay and are willing to pay well. And the further the athlete will go, the more money they can make. I advise anyone serious about competing and making a name in the sport not to go this route. Many times, this comes back to haunt the athlete. Nothing is secret anymore thanks to the internet. One guy who decided to try it did not realize he was hired by a contest judge! He did not place in either show he did. Knew someone wlse whose wife kept track of the appointments and the money. There are bizarros who even want threesomes and the athletes get wives or girlfriends to go along with it. My wife once coached a female bb who was propositioned to a pose by a guy into big female muscle (known as a schmo). Glad she refused. There are many weirdos out there. And the short term money bendfits of this are not worth the long term grief that almost always goes with it. Stay away from this crap!!
Kai Greene did this shit and we have the pics of it here on our forums , lol he was fucking a grapefruit while wearing some gay ass shit! Just search our forums here for "Kai Greene Gay" it should pop up lol

Ill see if I can't find and post link here in this thread cause I know ur all dying to see Kai bone a grapefruit lol