MuscleChemistry IGF-1

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Guys, if you're not taking advantage of the deals Presser has on here for this stuff, you're honestly missing out.

I can say that I have been out of it for almost 2 months now and I can tell a HUGE difference when I'm taking it and when I'm not. My chest workouts especially feel different. I've brought up my weak points with simply this stuff. For example, my right calf is at least an inch smaller than my left when I started applying directly and only to my right and after just one bottle, it's probably less than a half inch difference now and the right calf looks like it should where as before it didn't have the cut in the middle. I've still got a ways to go to even it out, but MC IGF has helped me already so I'm definitely anxiously awaiting some more of this stuff.

I'm lifting more now naturally than I have in the past when I was heavier and on cycle. This stuff is the real deal so for all the new guys, GET THIS STUFF NOW!!!!!
thnx guys i almost mised this, and for those questioning the reviews by site reps, we have HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMER REVIEWS IN OUR HGH & IGF FORUM!

This just reminded me, I need to get a couple for my brother. He wants to try it.
thnx guys i almost mised this, and for those questioning the reviews by site reps, we have HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMER REVIEWS IN OUR HGH & IGF FORUM!


Is someone questioning the reviews of site reps? I only became a site rep in June. Search some of the reviews and you'll see I was praising IGF way before that.
Is someone questioning the reviews of site reps? I only became a site rep in June. Search some of the reviews and you'll see I was praising IGF way before that.

Yeah I know brutha, but you know how other boards are and other competition companys, they are always looking to shit talk another company to make their shit sound better, although we dont do that type of shit here, we still get slammed on a rare occasion by idiots.

but the proof is in the pudding , so to speak
Yeah I know brutha, but you know how other boards are and other competition companys, they are always looking to shit talk another company to make their shit sound better, although we dont do that type of shit here, we still get slammed on a rare occasion by idiots.

but the proof is in the pudding , so to speak
They can talk all the shit they want.. But we all know here that MC igf is second to none.. And as soon as I get some more cash flow I be ordering some !!
I just started using the little bit that I had left over again the other day and I love it once I stop using it for a few weeks then start back up, the pumps are insane guys, if you're not using this, you're truly missing out
Bumping up 5 year old review to the top! Reviews go back over 14 years of the nearly 17 years we've been online!