My amino infusion report...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ill have more than one report on amino infusion, but Ill be totally honest here, cause that is what Mike would want here is my feedback on my frist run with this new product by P.N.

Well I reported last week (last sunday) I had a killer, I mean KILLER, quad workout. Very intesne pump, totally wiped me out. I wanted to see what kind of recovery I would get from it, being on a precontest, low carb diet. Well I would say, my recovery was somewhat better. Today, its thursday, and I would say my quads are recovered at this point. Monday, they where sore to the touch, tuesday they felt a tad better, and yesterday I probabaly couldve trained them if I wanted to. So after a crazy quad workout they where pretty much ready to go again today, 4 days later. Would I train them again, well no. I it would be to much, but what I mean is I could do a higher rep, pumping workout and not overtrain. So recovery is a tad better than normal.

What really gets me is the pumps Ive had the last couple workouts. Yesterday I did Chest, and honestly I had a great pump, and my strengh was very good. For being on a low carb diet, and restricted calories. I mean, I did a solid 15-16 good sets, and today I feel pretty damn good. For being on a precontest diet. My chest looked swollen yesterday, and even today, I feel somewhat pumped in that area. Yes, im chest is sore, but I dont feel totally wiped out. Im going to go do some arms today, and see how I feel tommarow, and Saturday. Mike Ross and I will do back. So by sunday, I want to see how I feel overall on my recovery.

So far, I would have to give amino infusion a thumbs up. or on a star system 4 out of 5 stars. For pumps its pretty damn good, and you must remember im on low carbs, I normally after 10 weeks of diet, and by the middle of the week. I dont get a good pump at all. Yesterday I had a great pump, just like I wouldve if I had some carbs in me. So for that I gotta give it 5 stars for pump. But for recovery im only gonna give it as of now, 3 stars. So overall it gets a solid 4 stars...But Im thinking on a normal diet, with carbs and solid amount of cals, you would get an enhanced recovery.

so that is my first report on it...anyone else got some feedback. Please post it here...thanks
Good to hear, I'll be trying it next week. I'm pretty excited about it. Do you think one would see much difference with this if they're on cycle?
Good to hear, I'll be trying it next week. I'm pretty excited about it. Do you think one would see much difference with this if they're on cycle?

yeah, I think the pump would be more intense...but even Mike Ross who is natural (yes, hard to believe but he is) gets some crazy ass pumps...:shocked:
yeah, I think the pump would be more intense...but even Mike Ross who is natural (yes, hard to believe but he is) gets some crazy ass pumps...:shocked:

Pretty big dude being natural, strong as hell too. I saw that rack pull video, pretty damn impressive!!!
natural and chubby...chris tooks vids of me training with him this weekend...Uhhh...sux compared to him...uhhh
I have used amino infusion for a week and half now, and I gotta say im pretty happy with it...More so with the pumps im getting from it...did arms tonight and got some sick, SICK pumps tonight...bis and tri's looks full and pumped..even without my carbs in something has to be working...