My bench maxout...

congratulations bro, 215 is awesome. the muscle strain in your upper back is a common injury for people who spend a lot of time benching and not a lot of time working their back, make sure you include back thickness exercises that work the rhomboid muscles. Is the pain in your shoulder blade?

don't try to max out again for a few weeks, you'll just set yourself back. Take some time to let your muscles heal and grow and get stronger and then try your max again.
you won't be able to increase your bench unless you concentrate on the opposing muscles, you're body is already letting you know that it's unbalanced and that's why it's starting to hurt... this could be dangerous little bro, so don't take it too lightly. All of the muscle growth on the front of your body will pull your shoulders out of alignment and could lead to serious problems. Start working that back as soon as that soreness goes away
That's great man!I knew you do it,congrats!The shoulder pain may also be from not working your external and internal rotatorcuff muscles.Those are two small muscle groups that people sometimes neglect to work out enough.If you do alot of benching and back work the rotators can lag behind a little.
mikeswift said:
you won't be able to increase your bench unless you concentrate on the opposing muscles, you're body is already letting you know that it's unbalanced and that's why it's starting to hurt... this could be dangerous little bro, so don't take it too lightly. All of the muscle growth on the front of your body will pull your shoulders out of alignment and could lead to serious problems. Start working that back as soon as that soreness goes away

also to add to mikes post malic, your chest will not grow after a certian point if your back isnt growing aling with it. You need to be moving the same weight for opposing muscle groups for them to continue to grow at a steady pace. For example, if you do 3 sets of flat bench at 200lbs for 10 reps each that equals 6000 lbs total moment. To make the everything grow properly you need to do the same for your back, for example, bent over rows, if youre doing it with 135lbs at 10 reps then you need to be doing 4 sets at 10 reps, and make your first set 14, this way the total weight moeved equals 5940lbs, which is close enough to 6000 total pounds moved. Got me? If you have any questions shoot away bro.
nice job malic. That is very impressive for your age!! I hope you know that. Your on your way to being a superstar....
I would seperate them for sure (if you are talking about the rows and benching on the same day). Don't cheat either muscle group. Go in fresh each day and blast away. If you are fatigued from chest, you will not be able to stimulate your back like if you were fresh. Just my 2c...
Congratulations, you are way further than I was at your age or even when I was 25. Keep listening to these guys--they know what they're talking about--and you'll get where you want to go.