My custom "MALIC" routine

1) You don't stretch between each set of the rest pause. You take 6-7 deep breaths = appr. 15 seconds and lift again.

2) DC is split into A, B and C workouts. You only have A & B.

3) Back thickness exercises don't get 3 sets. Deadlifts get one heavy set and one "lighter" set. Rows get one set of 10-12 reps. Same with Quads.

Just to name a few things wrong here. The list could probably go to 15. Malic, if I were you bro I wouldn't try DC just yet. The concepts are tough to grasp even for people who have been at it for a while.
ive been at it for a while and i still dont understand but about half of that shit lol im still learning it but i think if he could get it right it would help him out.
Quote from PJT:
"Just to name a few things wrong here. The list could probably go to 15. Malic, if I were you bro I wouldn't try DC just yet. The concepts are tough to grasp even for people who have been at it for a while"
Hey Malic, Duhhhhhhhhh
why are you trying to change the routine? why customize it? the whole purpose of DC training is that it's tried and tested methods that work the way it is set up. You are supposed to follow it to a T. You can use different exercises if you must but do not change anything else. I've been training longer than you've been alive and it's hard enough to figure DC out without trying to customize it.
PJT said:
2) DC is split into A, B and C workouts. You only have A & B.

Actually, there is an A & B version. That's what I've been doing. Malic does have a few things wrong, but hey, he's trying. Most guys his age aren't anywhere near his fitness level.

Malic, though we can be pretty blunt, we are trying to help. Look at the DC routine again and compare what you outlined. You'll find quite a few differences. Try to do the DC routine exactly as it shows.
as long as the only thing you change is the exercises it's still a DC routine, keep the rest of it exactly as it's written. after a few weeks you'll get the hang of it.
agree with mike you can change the exercises but dc is still dc. and it is proven to be very successful so customizing it is not needed.
Malic said:
Im wanting to do the DC routine , but use dumbell movements instead of barbell on like the movement like bench , shoulder presses reverse bench and everything. More work on the stabilizer muscles. And would help with the strength differences between my arms when developing them

One thing to point out here, however, Malic...though working on stabilizer muscles is good, at your current point you need to work on CORE exercises. That means compound movements. That's why DC training mainly involves the barbell, not the dumbells. You will have a greater size and strength increase from compound movements in the early years of training than with isolation-type movements with dumbells. Why do you think the really big guys look like they do? They do a lot of core exercises. They did not get that way by only swinging dumbells. If you are truly serious about training and want to get big, then compound exercises are the way to do it.