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I had trouble frontloading and felt like shit. Now that I am feeling good and gained some weight it has stopped. I am past half way through my cycle. I am on 500mg QV enathante and 300mg QV deca. I am training right and eating clean and a lot (around 4000 calories). I sleep about 9 hours a night. I feel stronger, but no gains. My first cycle I did 500mg sust and 400mg EQ. On my first cycle I also used liquidex, which I am not now. I have gained about 12lbs which is probably a lot of water. I waited the amount of time I was on. I dont know what I am doing wrong. I am just about the weight I was when I ended my last cycle. What could I be doing wrong. Did I not do enough. Maybe my body just does not like this gear. I just dont want to start doing to much so I have to do a gram of test a week after a few cycles. Shit I dont know.
didn't see that.. but 12 lbs in the front part of that cycle isn't that bad.. as long it isn't 24 weeks long.. but if your in week 5 and running to ten,, then you should be able to duoble that growth and some more so you'd be up 24-28 lbs by the time you hit clomd or nolv and that's not bad
I am at the end of week 5. I gained all that and it just seems like it has stopped. My workouts are good. I am getting stronger, just not growing as much. I guess I should just stop bitchin and try to grow more.
Presser said:
he said 9 hours fooool,lol and i told ya not to frontload enenthate man, but nooooooo, you didnt want to listen to me,lol

I know. I will never do that again. On my next cycle how much will I have to go up in MG. I want to do 600 mg prop and 400mg EQ. Is that enough. O ya, and presser what do you think about me kicking the next cycle off with a little D-bol. LOL
I think you just need to eat a little more bro. If you have time right down what you eat a day. I will then go over it with you and see if we can change some things and kick in some gains. I hate frontloading to. I get better results out of d-bol. Yes some of it is water but you need water to lubricate the joints. The strength and weight I put on with d-bol is great. What ever works for ya.
Presser said:
the most kick ass cycle in history would be 100mg tren ed, 150 prop ed, 150mg winny ed, now thats a cycle, you wont recognize your own body in 3 weeks

......Because you'll be bald, waiting on a liver transplant,and pissed off at your grandma...over a gram of winny and test per week...and 700mg tren/week...damn...that cycle come to you in a dream Presser?:confused: :D
i saw that and thought it was on the high side.. winny at 150...

anyway highside the other thing is that the liquidex should help keep the water off alittle so you shouldn't be holding as much water as you would have on other cycles..
Yeah,overkill...that was a good choice of words. LOL,Not to mention the 5-6cc/day you'd be shooting.OUCH!!
Oh well,I guess thats why you choose to remain a natural........just a little Cell Tech stacked with some Swartzlabs whey protein and your growing!
You mean to tell me you can drink WINNY!?!?!!
I might have to rethink my whole position on this anabolic stuff if what you're saying is true,after some research.......An all oral cycle of Dbol and winny sounds like the ticket!...or maybe just some of those baseball shaped Andro tabs they have in the McGuire section of GNC.
Presser said:
lol, dbol, i think its best administered analy,lol, and the most kick ass cycle in history would be 100mg tren ed, 150 prop ed, 150mg winny ed, now thats a cycle, you wont recognize your own body in 3 weeks

Yeah and maybe you'll drop dead another 3 weeks later!!! LOL :D
Presser said:
it would be 4 cc's and 3 pillss of winny daily, hmm, this whole steroid thing is so complictaed, and ur right thats why i remain natural bro, plus i cant afford the stuff

Paleezzz... you are you killing me today. :D I've been laughing my ass of with al your cool posts today!! Keep 'm coming!! :D
Presser said:
lol, dbol, i think its best administered analy,lol, and the most kick ass cycle in history would be 100mg tren ed, 150 prop ed, 150mg winny ed, now thats a cycle, you wont recognize your own body in 3 weeks

Cut all the dosages in half and you have yourself one hell of a cycle. I think if you took that much you would have to wear lead shoes to keep your ass on the

D bol is the answer. But it 's too late.

Run primo at 200 a week as an anti catabolic. Add the 200 primo.

Eat more, but clean.

And slay the fucking body. You will not make any gains unless you are willing to break your body on a rack and enjoy the torture of every muscle-shredding rep. If you can't do that, you will never make a gain over a piss-bag's worth of water. Torture that fucking body you have and feed it as much as you can. If you can't live up to that, you're done.

It works for me. Try it, you'll see.

shoulda been run at the beginning of the cycle, conservativley for 3 weeks.

I am referring to the cycle at the beginning of this post.
