OK. Here is the deal. I dont understand at all why you would not frontload enthanate. On all other boards the vets talk about doing it and say it only makes since. Now if I am wrong I want to know and please tell me. Enthanate is a long acting ester meaning it has a long half life. It takes it a long time to reach its peak levels in your body. It would normaly take 4-5 weeks for it to reach its peak levels if you used the same amount every week. Now if you frontload it puts you up to your levels by the second week where you will stay the rest of the cycle. This puts you at that level in 2 weeks where as not frontloading takes you 4-5 weeks to reach these levels. Now a few people say frontload prop. I dont understand why. Prop is a fast acting ester. If you take the same amount every week then by the second week it will have reached the levels that you will be at for the rest of the cycle. Now if you frontload prop all you are doing is making your levels skyrocket for two to three weeks and then fall back down to the normal level. What is the point of that. Why would you not frontload a long ester and why would you frontload a short ester.
highside said:
OK. Here is the deal. I dont understand at all why you would not frontload enthanate. On all other boards the vets talk about doing it and say it only makes since. Now if I am wrong I want to know and please tell me. Enthanate is a long acting ester meaning it has a long half life. It takes it a long time to reach its peak levels in your body. It would normaly take 4-5 weeks for it to reach its peak levels if you used the same amount every week. Now if you frontload it puts you up to your levels by the second week where you will stay the rest of the cycle. This puts you at that level in 2 weeks where as not frontloading takes you 4-5 weeks to reach these levels. Now a few people say frontload prop. I dont understand why. Prop is a fast acting ester. If you take the same amount every week then by the second week it will have reached the levels that you will be at for the rest of the cycle. Now if you frontload prop all you are doing is making your levels skyrocket for two to three weeks and then fall back down to the normal level. What is the point of that. Why would you not frontload a long ester and why would you frontload a short ester.
...bro i agree with you and thats the only way i have ever heard or seen people do...different strokes for different folks bro...i ALWAYS have read people FL enathate ...i did it off of many bros advice ...but i did not like it either...some do, some do not, just like everything else my friend...
Sully. Have you ever done D-bol at the first of a cycle. If so how did it affect you. I want to do it at the first of my next cycle, but dont want to feel like shit.
highside my bro-in-law did D-bol and got good jump start just have to watch bloat Did you drop weight after your last cycle? the last cycle I did t-200/deca I leveled out at mid cycle for a week or two then started gaining again. The only thing I could figure is that you think your eating more than you are not trying to bash you just seen it alot where someone says I'm eating 4000 cals and when I figure it out it's more like 2500. Just an idea.
Highside put down your diet or what you ate yesterday, please dickey,lol,j/k. Like I said I like d-bol better then frontloading.
highside said:
Sully. Have you ever done D-bol at the first of a cycle. If so how did it affect you. I want to do it at the first of my next cycle, but dont want to feel like shit. bro i have never done d-bol, but like mailbox and MB said, you will be great with the d-bol in the start...and the vast majority that do it feel great and different than a FL...i would defintely do dbol as a jumpstart, over a FL bro, imo...good luck, you live and learn...;)