My gameplan for this year...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well here it is...Since im recovering so well...I want to keep it that im going to start out pretty light...(honestly I probably wont do heavy ass cycles anymore) Im going to really focus on diet, and training..and see what I can do...

So for the next 8 weeks this is what im doing

400mg test cyp (human grade)
200mg EQ (ES)
10mg Anavar per day
.5 mg Arimadex 2 x week

going to start out the EQ and Anavar pretty light just to get a feel for it..Yeah, I know some would say you doing get nothing out of 10mg...but I dont want to risk it..As I get my BP readings, and things stay normal then I'll up the Anarvar to maybe 25-30mg per day....

After 8 weeks, going to see what my blood readings are...and then adjust from there...Im going to ask my HRT doctor if he will write me a script for HGH and July...(go back July 14th, 8 weeks from now)...he is pretty cool and wants to help guys out with there goals...

Presoanlly if I can get healthy good again...(which I feel better each day now, thank the lord) Im going to go back and when my state show next year....
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good plan. It's better to take it a little slower in the beginning, than to rush in and regret! What type/brand of anavar are you using by the way??
have you used the arimidex like that before in the offseason? and do you feel it is enough to fight gyno? As for me Im trying to fight off any gyno as I dont need it to get any worse. thats why I ask.
have you used the arimidex like that before in the offseason? and do you feel it is enough to fight gyno? As for me Im trying to fight off any gyno as I dont need it to get any worse. thats why I ask.

Well most of my offseason I dont even use A-dex...But I got my blood work done and my estrogen levels where a tad high..So my HRT doctor put me on A-dex at 1mg per week (.5 mg 2 x week)...Plus, I've never had any issues with gyno
Well here it is...Since im recovering so well...I want to keep it that im going to start out pretty light...(honestly I probably wont do heavy ass cycles anymore) Im going to really focus on diet, and training..and see what I can do...

So for the next 8 weeks this is what im doing

400mg test cyp (human grade)
200mg EQ (ES)
10mg Anavar per day
.5 mg Arimadex 2 x week

going to start out the EQ and Anavar pretty light just to get a feel for it..Yeah, I know some would say you doing get nothing out of 10mg...but I dont want to risk it..As I get my BP readings, and things stay normal then I'll up the Anarvar to maybe 25-30mg per day....

After 8 weeks, going to see what my blood readings are...and then adjust from there...Im going to ask my HRT doctor if he will write me a script for HGH and July...(go back July 14th, 8 weeks from now)...he is pretty cool and wants to help guys out with there goals...

Presoanlly if I can get healthy good again...(which I feel better each day now, thank the lord) Im going to go back and when my state show next year....
That sounds awesome, Chris! I really need to find a good doctor around here to go to for HRT.
good plan. It's better to take it a little slower in the beginning, than to rush in and regret! What type/brand of anavar are you using by the way??

oh it some vet mex not sure really what it is...going to get some ES kind here soon
alot of people have been tossing around the idea of running low doses of EQ for much longer durations than a normal cycle for the joint lube benefit in place of theory i like it