My guy Pictures 3 days out the Nationals

wow, he loook great.
did he also take hgh? how much?
i have 200iu somagena hgh ;)

Are you for real?
Roger is been training for 24 years, has done 36 shows and about to win his pro card today only with Animal Pack and organic Soy Protein... Lol
Thanks.... That's funny!!! I did several times when I was younger and some went perfect, some fine, and some bad.
He looked phenomenal. You should both be proud of how well he did and how far he's come!!
We are going to Sacramento in two weeks for his pro debut, I am looking for a 3rd place for the mr O qualification.
Game plan is different since he doesn't have to make the weight in for the middle weight class going under 202, so I don't have to push him down, he is now depleted at 179 instead at 174, same sick look but bigger and I van say his glutes will come more dry striated.
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We are going to Sacramento in two weeks for his pro debut, I am looking for a 3rd place for the mr O qualification.
Game plan is different since he doesn't have to make the weight in for the middle weight class going under 202, so I don't have to push him down, he is now depleted at 179 instead at 174, same sick look but bigger and I van say his glutes will come more dry striated.

Good luck and definitely keep us updated on his progress. It'll be nice for him to no longer have to cut down and can now focus on adding some size because he's definitely got the conditioning down