My IGF Journal


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forgot to apply IGF this mourning ran out late for work. Its 5pm. I'm going to change my dose to 30mcg. I'm going to apply 30mcg now 5pm and then apply the other 30 right before bed. I'm going to work out tonight after the basketball game on T.V. Just working out ABS and Legs. Running for about 15min. Worked out Shoulders the other day and they are sore. Not sure if I'm eating to much but I don't know how guys can eat every 2 to 3 hours and not feel full. On my field training days there is no way I can eat that much before I practice. I feel way to full. Does anybody have an opinion on this thanks. Well I decided to apply 60mcg before bedtime in the right calf no pain what so ever.


Calories 729
Go lean Cereal
1/4 peanuts
1 cup Milk 2% organic Trader Joes
Protein Shake.

23.2g Fat
63g Carbs
79g Protein

Snack before lunch
Pro Whey Protein Shake
240 Calories
6g Carbs
48g Protein
2g Fat

Lunch 130pm

Calories 690
100g avocado
8oz Tritip Roasted
1 cup of Brown Rice
1 Slice of Honey wheat bread

26.7g Fat
60g Carbs
57g Protein

Snack 510pm

Protein Shake
48g Protein.
240 Calories

Snack Before Dinner 6pm
350 Calories
Red beans
Honey Wheat Bread (One Slice)

8.5g fat
64g Carbs
62g Protein

Dinner 9pm

Calories 620

1 cup Fettuccini Whole wheat Organic
1 cup Of Tomatoe Sauce
6oz of Ground Turkey
1 tablespoon olive oil

27.5g fat
55g Carbs
44g Protein

Foods & Supplements
Calorie Balance
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance

Total Fat 104 g
Saturated Fat 33 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 459 mg
Sodium 3114 mg
Total Carbs 330 g
Dietary Fiber 68 g

Sugars 114 g
Protein 347 g
Vitamin A 688 µg
Vitamin C 55 mg
Calcium 1798 mg
Iron 24 mg

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today ran for 50 min a good pace. I applied IGF to my left quad. Must of hit a blood vessel or something a lot of blood came out. Worked out my abs as well. Right foot is sore from this mourning work out. Applied 2nd dose 30mcg right quad no pain. Feel really good during the day. I think maybe I"m eating to many calories anybody have an opinion. Thanks

Mourning Meal 9am

Weight Gainer Shake
Calories 510

11g Fat
58g Carbs
46g Protein.

Lunch 12pm

Calories 635

6oz chicken Thigh
4oz of Ground Turkey
1 cup of Tomatoe sauce
1 cup of Fetuccini Whole Wheat Organic

17.3g fat
57g Carbs
68g Protein

Snack 3pm

1 cup Watermelon
Vitamin C pack

Dinner 5pm

Calories 636

7.5oz Tri tip Roasted
.5 cup Red beans
1 cup roasted Potatoe
50grams of Avocado

22g fat
74g Carbs
65g Protein

Snack 8pm
Calories 425 calories

1 cup of Tapioca
125g cherries
100g strawberries
Protein shake 48g protein.

Dinner 9pm

690 Calories
2 cups Fettuccini
1 cup of tomato sauce
6oz ground turkey

15g fat
82g Carbs
51g protein

Foods & Supplements
Calorie Balance 3962
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance %DV


Total Fat 72 g
Saturated Fat 20 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 524 mg
Sodium 3202 mg

Total Carbs 361 g
Dietary Fiber 81 g

Sugars 68 g

Protein 284 g
Vitamin A 1735 µg
Vitamin C 774 mg
Calcium 2660 mg
Iron 36 mg

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Today I worked out my legs light nothing crazy. I Applied 30mcg left shoulder no pain little blood. Foot still a little sore ran for 15 min before working out. I'm noticing pimples around my body not sure if that is just the effect of IGF. Applied 30mcg right shoulder no pain.

Mass shake
Non fat milk
1 scoop pro tech

Snack 11:15am
yogurt blueberry

Lunch 1pm
9oz chicken thigh
1 cup of brown rice
1 cup of red beans
1 slice of honey wheat bread

Dinner 6:30
.25 cup red beans
.75 roasted potato
7g ahi fish
100g avocado

Watermelon 413g

Foods & Supplements
Calorie Balance 2693
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance %DV

Total Fat 53 g
Saturated Fat 10 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 390 mg
Sodium 2298 mg
Total Carbs 303 g
Dietary Fiber 104 g

Sugars 47 g
Protein 283 g
Vitamin A 1177 µg
Vitamin C 50 mg
Calcium 2573 mg
Iron 29 mg

Hey guys,

Just finished weighing myself and I have used the same scale since I have started and I'm at 229lbs. Here's what I'm seeing, obviously this is my first cycle applying IGF. I was a little confused on the diet. When I started I was eating about 2600 or less calories and I was losing one to two pounds a week. I was also working out 3 to 4 times a week plus cardio. Then someone on the sight told me that I should be eating a lot more calories at least 3500 when I work out, so I switched my diet and started eating more calories 40-40-20. If you see my journal from last week my intake has increased. I feel better when I eat more and have endurance. Like I said before this is my first cycle I might of jacked it up because I did it wrong. My goal is to lean out and increase my speed. I do want to gain muscle. I want to remain my weight but really lean out. If I can be anywhere between 230 - 240 Lean and gain speed I'm golden. I just need to get my diet right. I get different suggestions. Eat more calories then they tell me eat less with a high protein.What do you guys think? I'm not a bodybuilder I need speed, endurance,power for my sport. My body is forming I can see my chest and legs cutting up a little bit my endurance has also increased. This first cycel I really wanted to see how IGF works in revovery to injury. My Right foot feels really good compared to what it felt like before IGF. It still gets sore after I run but it feels good. I think I'm going to be ready for my big match June 27. In that aspect I'm very impressed. I do have before pics I was going to post them after my cycle is over and it should be over this week or the begining of next week.

Any advise or suggestions always helps. Thanks

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Missed my IGF Dose Yesterday I was out of town.
Tody applied 30mcg to the left shoulder. Not feeling good today have a bad cold so I'm taking the day off no working out. My body is tired worked out over the weekend.
Foot feels really good. This week wanted to start running on a track and doing some stairs. This Month focusing on upper body strength and Running on grass and sprints. Not going to do heavy weights on the legs maybe once a week. Can't have the legs feeling heavy for game day.

Mass weigh gainer shake. 9am


Lunch 12pm
Chicken Bowl with extra chicken and Brown Rice.

Snack 5pm
Protein shake

Dinner 8pm
Chicken Breast
Red Beans
Roasted Potato
1 scoop protein shake.


Protein Shake 2scoops

Total Fat 54 g
Saturated Fat 17 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 423 mg
Sodium 1906 mg
Total Carbs 241 g
Dietary Fiber 52 g

Sugars 21 g
Protein 320 g
Vitamin A 1006 µg
Vitamin C 637 mg
Calcium 2871 mg
Iron 19 mg
IGF works differently for people depending on dose, age, etc. You are going to have to trial and error to see what works best for you. When I am on it, my appetite is stimulated, so I eat more, alot more. Just listen to your body. Well it sounds like you want more muscle and less fat. I had the exact same goal as you last year. I wanted more muscle and less bodyfat. Now I weigh the same (220) except I have about 10% less bodyfat on me. IT makes a huge difference! It took a few cycles of IGF, a clean nutrition plan, supplementation - and some prohormones (Over the counter) to get to my goal. Also I had to work out 6 days a week usually, 3-4 didn't cut it for me, because if you take the same calories on your off day then you will have a surplus of calories. But this is your body and you know it better than any of us so if your body stays in homeostasis then you have to disrupt it to make your body change.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Applied IGF to the right quad no pain just a little sore. Still not feeling good I have a bad cold trying to shake it off. Worked out my chest heavy for an hour. Foot feels good going to try to run 30 tomorrow hopefully I can breath through my nose.
Applied igf in the left shoulder no pain.
I saw a huge of increase of strength on my reps. I worked out with a partner and I was doing over 225 up to 6 reps that is a lot for me. Felt really good felt like I could continue working out. I think in a couple of weeks I will be up to 300 no joke. I'm seeing more results now that I'm working out heavy.

Breakfast 8am
2 brown eggs
12 tablespoon egg whites
2 toast
1 cup of milk

Snack 10am
protein shake
Vitamin C 1000

Lunch 12pm
half Chicken pasta
shrimp plate

snack 1pm
protein shake

.5 Garlic chicken
mexican Shrimp
Protein shake

8oz tri tip
1 cup brown rice
1 cup roasted potato

Protein shake

Foods & Supplements
Calorie Balance 3091
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance %DV

Total Fat 47 g
Saturated Fat 19 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 1005 mg
Sodium 6033 mg
Total Carbs 249 g
Dietary Fiber 21 g

Sugars 50 g
Protein 403 g
Vitamin A 1770 µg
Vitamin C 638 mg
Calcium 2240 mg
Iron 14 mg

Thursday, June 04, 2009
applied to the right shoulder no pain. Yesterday work out felt really good today. I worked out heavy yesterday no soreness. I forgot my gear at home today no work out. Tomorrow mourning going running and then working out back and legs.
Applied 30mcg left calf no pain. Cold is getting better. Still a little weak.

Breakfast 8am
mass shake
1 scoop of protein
1 tablespoon flax oil

Lunch 1045am
8oz Tri Tip
2 cups of Brown rice

Snack 1pm
Protein Shack

Snack 330pm
protein shake

Chicken Breast
1 cup of red beans
1 cup roasted potato
2 oz tri tip

Ice cream

300g watermelon

Calorie Balance 2693
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance %DV


Total Fat 65 g
Saturated Fat 16 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 382 mg
Sodium 2260 mg
Total Carbs 290 g
Dietary Fiber 56 g

Sugars 58 g
Protein 285 g
Vitamin A 1194 µg
Vitamin C 80 mg
Calcium 2499 mg
Iron 24 mg

Friday, June 05, 2009
Applied IGF Right tri no pain. Worked out heavy on the back. I have a lot of pump. Body is forming I'm at the same weight. I'm losing fat and gaining muscle. I took a few days off running giving my foot plenty of rest. I don't have anymore IGF today was the last day. I will be posting before and after pics shortly.

1 cup milk
1 Waffel
2 Tablespoon Honey
2 brown eggs
9 tablespoon egg whites
Pro tech protein shake.

Protein shake 50g protein

Lunch 345pm
Chicken Breast
Mass shake

Chicken Breast
.5 cup of red beans
1 cup of brown Rice

1030 pm
Turkey lean 8oz
Potato 1 cup
Dark Matter shake (Carbs)
with Glu 18000 mg

Foods & Supplements
Calorie Balance 3191
Calories Expended
Calories Eaten
Net Calorie Balance

Nutrient Balance %DV

Total Fat 47 g
Saturated Fat 12 g

Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 890 mg
Sodium 4080 mg
Total Carbs 318 g
Dietary Fiber 56 g

Sugars 81 g
Protein 355 g
Vitamin A 1110 µg
Vitamin C 38 mg
Calcium 2630 mg
Iron 22 mg
Sunday, June 07, 2009​

Conclusion to this journal -
Well I have learned a lot about IGF and myself with this diet. I have seen results I lost fat but I maintained my body weight. For the most part the idea was to use the IGF for recovery of a foot injury that has improved so much between 6 weeks. I started sprinting at 70% with a little soreness afterwards but that is normal I haven't ran for 7 months. I have noticed more energy never felt really tired at all just when I didn't eat enough during the day. If I were to work out everyday lifting weights I would of gained a lot more muscle. The pumps I received were really impressive. I believe I still have to do more cycles to see what is best for me and my body. There is so much to learn about IGF that I don't think you will be able to learn everything on one cycle. Next time I will be using it as a PCT. Here are the before and after pictures. I wanted to thank everybody that had comments or interest in the journal I hope one day this will help anybody that wants to try IGF. Until next time.​

Before Pic​

I wasnt even working out like I should of. Can't wait until the second cycle.
Quick question no what happens to the body once you stop applying IGF. Since I have more cells now they need to mature right ? Those new cells are for good correct ?
you cant really prove you have more cells now. maybe your old muscle cells just grew...

If you want to learn about that go look up mitosis and hyperplasia.
you cant really prove you have more cells now. maybe your old muscle cells just grew...

If you want to learn about that go look up mitosis and hyperplasia.

This is true to an extent. You can't ABSOLUTELY prove in his case that hyperplasia occurred, however, once upon a time people said that all creatine did was increase the amount of water held inside muscle leading to increased cellular leverage accounted for the gains on creatine. We now know that to be false. In the OP's case the only way to be sure hyperplasia occurred is to do a coss sectional muscle biopsy before and after IGF administration, HOWEVER, all in-vitro studies have shown IGF treated muscle tissue to undergo hyperplasia. If I were a betting man..... in fact I have put my money were my mouth is and I'm reaping the benefits.
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