My joints are ruined, by masterone and CS - Doing deca for a year

Welcome to MC Brother!!! I'm like Presser cause I find broken English funny as fuck!!

Now, question...... Are you 100% sure the Masteron was really Masteron?? Reason I ask is I've never heard of Masteron messing your joints up like this. Makes me wonder if it was Winstrol?? Also, how long ago did you use Winstrol? I ran winny about 14 months ago as a cutter for only 4 weeks and it literally KILLED my joints!!! All over!!! And, it took 6-8 months after the last shot for my joints to even begin feeling better. My knees and elbows still hurt at times over a year later. Now, I run Masteron instead without those issues.
I think Winstrol dries you out so bad that it takes an extremely long time for things to return to normal. Also, Ritilan will dry out every cell in your body especially when coupled with compounds that have the same effect with different biochemical reactions. So, you had Ritilan sucking your cells dry and Winstrol drying your joints and muscle fascia.
Now, the other contributing factor to this was the Letro. Too much Anti-E will dry you out as well. Its all a guessing game til you know what works for you and how your body responds to each compound.


Thanks Austin ! nice to se that some of you guys here take me serious. I dont got time to mess around and the doctors cant help me so thats why i come here, not couse i think its so fucking funny to write shit on forums....

The masteron was from a UG lab, if it was winstrol with it i must have felt it...or can you mix winstrol powder in oils and that gives effect? cheap way...diden't know that.

I ran winstrol maby 1-2 months before the masterone, and from what i read masterone is exactly like winstrol but in oil form. So for me to run that was catastrofic. My knees got realy, realy bad on mast to.
Quitted my job couse i couldent sit on my knees for more then 10-15 mins before it was so painfull i coulden't stand it so i was forced to get up. (worked as a painter). Quitted doing squats for a few months to couse of the knees.

Im glad to get some respons and that you share your experience, couse i dont know what to do if this dont work. My social life is nothing right now, hard to be with people when you ankle's are so fucked up. Only thing that makes me to not give up is hope. And as you say, all these drugs tougether is a joint killer. I just hope it can be better in time....


I know this sounds simple, but what was your water intake like? Was it consistent? I ran wini and that tore my joints up, It was actually kind of painful when I would first get moving in the morning... I got off It took a GOOD joint support, glucosamine, increased my water intake dramatically and ran deca. It cleared everything up within a few weeks.

Hi !

Ive allways drink alot of water, so i dont think thats the problem. I drink a ton, piss every 1-2h haha.. but this time when i run deca i will have that in mind, extra water intake.


Listen man, lots of people have doubted whether this was a real thread or not. You need to lighten up. The way you word things and the things you have compared your joints to (trees ect...) are funny and very out of the norm. They all make us wonder if this is a joke (aka trolling). You said it's hard to hang out with your friends because your joints are so bad. That's funny man. You shouldn't be mad at me for wondering if this is real.

If it is, we are sorry and we understand this is a problem that you take seriously. I've had my dealings with joint issues in the past and I know it sucks.

BUT, one thing you need to be crystal clear about is that you are going to get nowhere insulting people on this forum. Telling me that I don't know anything is silly because EVERYONE on this forum knows that when I post something it's 99% of the time good advise. I did answer your question and so did Austin about masteron. It does not cause joint issues. It actually causes collagen synthesis.

Just for emphasis though you are getting absolutely nowhere telling me I don't know what I'm doing. There are a lot of things you said in your post that are flat out wrong. I don't know everything and don't pretend to man and I'm always willing to help people out when I can. You should search my posts before calling me out. You might learn something.

Im a nice guy, but when i tell my life biggest problem and guys here basicly tell me to get the fuck out and laugh, it makes me mad as hell. Couse this is the biggest problem ive got in my life, and ive experienced a lot of things...thats negative... and nothing is even close to this problem.

When i said the tree, dont you understand what i mean? have you never been in the woods before? every tree got sticks with leeves on it, do you understand? its like taking a stick and break it in 2 pieces, then a LOUD cracking sound appers, thats how my joints sound....... are you with me now? then maby you understand why i dont think its so fucking funny to hang out with friends when my joints cracking like a 90 year old man.

Sorry for my attitude but when i ask for help and get it recived like this... it makes me realy mad.

About masteron, winstrol increse collagen synthesis to, but its not in a good way couse it makes you joints weaker. I bet its the same with masteron.

Then i got another question that i realy need awnsers to, if annyone here have any knowledge on cabaser aka Cabergoline.

This is how it is for me now. Im on test cruise and ive got 2 small lumps of gyno left from my last deca run, 500/500 test/deca.

As you guys understand i realy dont wanna take more kills my joints and make them so bad i get realy bad mind about life if you know what i mean.

I wanna know if i need to kill the gyno before i jump on deca, or if i can start with deca and just ad Cabergoline to keep the gyno away?

I got no idea how strong Cabergoline is, and i realy dont wanna use letro. Do you think i can skip letro and run caber insted with deca or will i get wore gyno?

Wanna jump on deca as fast as possible for my joints so if annyone here knows anything about this, please give me tips, so i dont get gyno and get forced to run letro for a longer time...

I got "bad" gyno with 500mg deca for a few months, what dosage of caber you think i need? 0.25-0.5mg e3d, start with caber same day as i start with deca?

And from what i understand, caber eint bad for the joints at all? if i gonna run deca for 8-12 months i dont wanna use a drug thats make my joints even worse.

If in professing something meaningful & you show true emotion, you may come off as offensive to some, but not all. This is acceptable for the most part, so long as you're genuine.

If you say anything that starts with
Why the fuck do you think i come here?
or ends with
If you dont got anything good to say, then shut the fuck up. Couse this is my fucking life we talk about, do you understand?
There's nothing genuine or true about what you're saying, and thus would be considered unacceptable or offensive behavior.

I find this part particularly funny
If you dont got anything good to say, then shut the fuck up.
-Makes me think of this:
Nolvadex can reverse or stop gyno. But that is like really early if you catch it.

Are your testicles back to normal??? You know... the boys. the jewels. HCG restores your Testes fast.


But nolvadex is to weak to take away the gyno for me, allredy tried it out, only reduces the estrogen. Nolvadex is hard on my joints to..

I dont need hcg, the boys eint big but that dont mind me. I think you got me wrong, im not about to jump of, im about to "jump in", ad deca to my cycle, along with, hgh/igf/slin.


- - - Updated - - -

Time to sleep. If anyone got some awensers to the Cabergoline question, i would be glad to read !

Im a nice guy, but when i tell my life biggest problem and guys here basicly tell me to get the fuck out and laugh, it makes me mad as hell. Couse this is the biggest problem ive got in my life, and ive experienced a lot of things...thats negative... and nothing is even close to this problem.

When i said the tree, dont you understand what i mean? have you never been in the woods before? every tree got sticks with leeves on it, do you understand? its like taking a stick and break it in 2 pieces, then a LOUD cracking sound appers, thats how my joints sound....... are you with me now? then maby you understand why i dont think its so fucking funny to hang out with friends when my joints cracking like a 90 year old man.

Sorry for my attitude but when i ask for help and get it recived like this... it makes me realy mad.

About masteron, winstrol increse collagen synthesis to, but its not in a good way couse it makes you joints weaker. I bet its the same with masteron.
There are different types of collagen synthesis caused by steroids - type II and type III - one is bad and the other is good. I know it has to do with transforming growth factor 1. I do not have research in front of me and don't care to look it up, but you can take it to the bank masteron doesn't have the same negative collagen effects. Primo, EQ, masteron, and nandralone are the drugs off the top of my head that have positive collagen effects.

- - - Updated - - -


But nolvadex is to weak to take away the gyno for me, allredy tried it out, only reduces the estrogen. Nolvadex is hard on my joints to..

I dont need hcg, the boys eint big but that dont mind me. I think you got me wrong, im not about to jump of, im about to "jump in", ad deca to my cycle, along with, hgh/igf/slin.


- - - Updated - - -

Time to sleep. If anyone got some awensers to the Cabergoline question, i would be glad to read !


Nolvadex doesn't reduce estrogen. It's a serm - only blocks estrogen at the receptor. And it is absolutely not hard on the joints. It allows estrogen to stay high, while preventing gyno.
Yeah Brother. fstr03svtbobra is dead on with the Masteron and Winstrol info. After running both compounds, I speak from experience which is the only way anyone should even try to give any advice anyway. Masteron is my favorite AAS right behind Test. I HATE Winstrol!! For me, Winstrol equals PAIN. Period.

Here's what I think: You took the Masteron after the Winstrol run which makes you want to blame the Masteron, but it was and is the Winny brother. The Masteron just kept the "dry" state prolonged. It may take quite a while for you to come back fully. Like I stated, it took damn near a year for me.

How long ago was your last Winstrol dose? and last Masteron dose?? That'll help me considerably!!

1. See a orthopedic doctor office to have test and scans done
2. See a endocrinologist to get full blood work done
3. Get glands surgically removed.
4. Quit fucking around with 400mg pills. When you analyze your BW figure out what your deficient in and dose it correctly with bulk powders in your shakes. I take 3g of nutra bio chelated calcium/magnesium ED along with 20g of other powdered aminos every day. Oils take by the tablespoon. Why would you try to down 20 1g capsules? I would be on 40 1000mg pills every day! I'm not even gonna talk about the difference in price let alone the pita all the pills are.
I have bad joint pain too and until I got to 25g ED of mixed oils I couldn't find relief. Every body is different. Get you blood work and then ask for advise.
Btw, you took Ritalin to suppress your appetite, or is add or ADHD that bad? If so try adderall or Modafinil, but I sincerely wish you to stay off any of that if possible!

Good luck
Yeah Brother. fstr03svtbobra is dead on with the Masteron and Winstrol info. After running both compounds, I speak from experience which is the only way anyone should even try to give any advice anyway. Masteron is my favorite AAS right behind Test. I HATE Winstrol!! For me, Winstrol equals PAIN. Period.

Here's what I think: You took the Masteron after the Winstrol run which makes you want to blame the Masteron, but it was and is the Winny brother. The Masteron just kept the "dry" state prolonged. It may take quite a while for you to come back fully. Like I stated, it took damn near a year for me.

How long ago was your last Winstrol dose? and last Masteron dose?? That'll help me considerably!!


Hi !

Hm...what can be true. Sound like it could. But i searched and i found nothing about masteron being good for the joints, i dont belive that its is as good for the joints like deca like the other guy said..

Let me think, i think it was one year ago, last winster everything started. Ive run tb-500, eq, and deca this year, nothing helped. Thats why im thinking about giving deca one year to recover and strenghten my joints. What you think about that?

I dont wanna use letro now..but do you know anything about my caber question?

Sorry i need to go asap, i come back tomorrow, thanks for the awnser !

Regards B.S.F
You know we are tryingto help. You didn't even mention winstrol in your original description/story. Austin called it out point blank you probably took winstrol and you did! But you still won't believe us when we give you our honest educated opinion to help you. All you do is argue and get defensive and try to prove us wrong. We are getting no where. I think you should not take deca cause that is what gave you gyno in the first place. Obviously you are to cheap and uneducated to run a proper steroid cycle. Just take equipoise. It's cheaper than deca is good for lubing the joints and doesn't convert to estrogen at a high rate. You can run it forever basically if you take a cruising dose of test with it. And about your gyno you are goning to have to have surgery sorry.

I'm going to post an article about dht derived steroids and effects on estrogen and joint pain I suggest you read it.
You know we are tryingto help. You didn't even mention winstrol in your original description/story. Austin called it out point blank you probably took winstrol and you did! But you still won't believe us when we give you our honest educated opinion to help you. All you do is argue and get defensive and try to prove us wrong. We are getting no where. I think you should not take deca cause that is what gave you gyno in the first place. Obviously you are to cheap and uneducated to run a proper steroid cycle. Just take equipoise. It's cheaper than deca is good for lubing the joints and doesn't convert to estrogen at a high rate. You can run it forever basically if you take a cruising dose of test with it. And about your gyno you are goning to have to have surgery sorry.

I'm going to post an article about dht derived steroids and effects on estrogen and joint pain I suggest you read it.

This is spot on.

IMO you should stop taking everything and see a doctor. Doing 12 months of deca and parkinson's drugs seems like a very poor choice to me. Honestly, you don't seem emotionally balanced either.
1. See a orthopedic doctor office to have test and scans done
2. See a endocrinologist to get full blood work done
3. Get glands surgically removed.
4. Quit fucking around with 400mg pills. When you analyze your BW figure out what your deficient in and dose it correctly with bulk powders in your shakes. I take 3g of nutra bio chelated calcium/magnesium ED along with 20g of other powdered aminos every day. Oils take by the tablespoon. Why would you try to down 20 1g capsules? I would be on 40 1000mg pills every day! I'm not even gonna talk about the difference in price let alone the pita all the pills are.
I have bad joint pain too and until I got to 25g ED of mixed oils I couldn't find relief. Every body is different. Get you blood work and then ask for advise.
Btw, you took Ritalin to suppress your appetite, or is add or ADHD that bad? If so try adderall or Modafinil, but I sincerely wish you to stay off any of that if possible!

Good luck

Hello there !

Thanks for your tips. Ive been to the doctors 3 times about this but when i got there my joints seems to not crack as mutch as when im home so they dident help at all. But i think i gonna ask for a remiss (swdish word, so i can meet a orthopedic).

2. What can they se with a blood work and what am i gonna say they gonna look for?
3. Whats glands?

4. What do you talk about? 20 pills a day? where did you get that from? 400mg pills, dont understand. I said i bought new high dosages vitamines. And the one thing i dont got is liquid omega 3, better when you need higher dosages.

Whay kind of mixed oils did you use?

Yes i took it to suppress apetite and to be able to work faster.


You know we are tryingto help. You didn't even mention winstrol in your original description/story. Austin called it out point blank you probably took winstrol and you did! But you still won't believe us when we give you our honest educated opinion to help you. All you do is argue and get defensive and try to prove us wrong. We are getting no where. I think you should not take deca cause that is what gave you gyno in the first place. Obviously you are to cheap and uneducated to run a proper steroid cycle. Just take equipoise. It's cheaper than deca is good for lubing the joints and doesn't convert to estrogen at a high rate. You can run it forever basically if you take a cruising dose of test with it. And about your gyno you are goning to have to have surgery sorry.

I'm going to post an article about dht derived steroids and effects on estrogen and joint pain I suggest you read it.

I diden't tell you about winstrol couse that was maby 3 months before i started with masteron.

Another thing, you guys seem to talk down to me couse i said masterone made this problem. I dont mean that it was ONLY the drugs falt. I know it was the lack of estrogen, heavy weights and ritalin that fucked my joints up.

"You still wont belive us", what do you mean by that? im here to seek help, if annyone here got knowledge. You mean that i cant question annyones oppinon couse im new here? Ive never in my life heard that masterone is good for your joints and that it incresse collagen, like its with winstrol, increse collagen but makes your joints weaker. And manny people think that mast is like winny but in oil shape ( not that bad on the joints that winny are tho). Everywhere i read about mast theres people that experieced that mast can be bad for your joints couse it dryes you out. Did you realy think that i dident know that mast reduces estrogen? you can even use it as an AI couse, high dose test and normal dose mast to prevent gyno for a example.

By the way, why do you think i need surgery? i dont sit here with big as tits haha ;) 1-2 weeks on letro and its gone.

Ive run eq 12 weeks but it did nothing for me, and this time i want something that is good for my joints and is a great mass steroid. I think eq is shit against deca when it comes to mass and strenght !

You sound like a disgruntled gh15.

And we are trying to help, but what do you want? You seem hellbent on using deca for a year. If we tell you no, you say we are stupid and insult us.

Yes, dopamine agonists work for some people in combatting prolactin sides. I have written in the past about how I don't like them because I believe that they have the potential to leave longer term side effects in the brain. This is my opinion based on research I have read. I have never taken them and have no personal experience with them.

Just because you can't find something through a brief internet search doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Very few people get by with just using mast as an AI... This is internet broscience.

You say you are here to learn, but you don't believe half of what everyone is telling you. You have argued with everything I've said.
Last edited:
You sound like a disgruntled gh15.

And we are trying to help, but what do you want? You seem hellbent on using deca for a year. If we tell you no, you say we are stupid and insult us.

Yes, dopamine agonists work for some people in combatting prolactin sides. I have written in the past about how I don't like them because I believe that they have the potential to leave longer term side effects in the brain. This is my opinion based on research I have read. I have never taken them and have no personal experience with them.

Just because you can't find something through a brief internet search doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Very few people get by with just using mast as an AI... This is internet broscience.

You say you are here to learn, but you don't believe half of what everyone is telling you. You have argued with everything I've said.

Seriously how mutch tren are you on? where do you read that i dont lissen? and where the fuck dose I say that the people that awnsers in this thred are stupid? Come on dude, your better than this. Treat people with respect and i will treat you the same. stop say shit like that couse im very gratefull for those who what written and give me tips. So UNDERSTAND that !

I dont mean using tren and shit like that and use mast as an AI, but with test it works fine as an AI, thats no broscience.

I dont know the word hellbent but i guiss that you whink that i give a shit about what you say and gonna run deca for a year no mather what. Do you seriously think that? how stupid do you think i am?

Im here to get help. And when you say that caber works on the dopamine, and it seems like low levels of prog gives the same sides on the joints as low estrogen? if its like that i dont know if i gonna use caber at all. And of course i dont gonna run deca for a year "NO MATHER WHAT", if i get problems i jump of, or just run deca for a shorter period of time. Or at a lower dose to be able to skip the caber.

..and we are trying to help you. I've let this thread go on because I usually believe someone real might be asking legitimate questions. You've received plenty of good answers, but out of what I've read, you seem to be looking for someone to say what you want them to say. Bottom line is your joints are so bad, there are no drugs that are going to completely reverse the damage, and the gyno can be permanently removed by surgery. I've been patient enough, but I have my limits. Language problems aside, you've been disrespectful yourself. You are walking on thin ice. Clean it up or you are out of here.
..and we are trying to help you. I've let this thread go on because I usually believe someone real might be asking legitimate questions. You've received plenty of good answers, but out of what I've read, you seem to be looking for someone to say what you want them to say. Bottom line is your joints are so bad, there are no drugs that are going to completely reverse the damage, and the gyno can be permanently removed by surgery. I've been patient enough, but I have my limits. Language problems aside, you've been disrespectful yourself. You are walking on thin ice. Clean it up or you are out of here.

Yes i have got good answers, so whats the problem? im not here to be disrespectfull, but when i get shit thrown at me for no reason i dont swollow.

Im not loking for a magic pill, just sharing my story to see what tip i can get.


Sounds like caber eint good for the joints, i diden't think it would effect them in a negativ way. So im glad for the info, was just about to order caber for 130 bucks.

Im thinking of running letro low dose ed for 1 week to get rid of the gyno, then jump on to low dose of deca without caber. If anyone have any knowledge about how "bad" caber is for the
joints, please awnser. Can you compare like the sides on the jonts on caber vs nolvadex ? just for a example. Couse i would never run deca with caber if the sides on caber is as bad as nolva is
for the joints.

I ran nolva for my pct last time after test/ eq, and i got osteoporos, started to get more cracky joints. (dont know if thats the real word but it defines is on wiki)

One question thats realy importent. Have you guys ever had anything similar, i mean crack joint not pain. And then have gettin them better (lesser sound)?
If so, what did you do, what helped you, eating ect?

One more before i get banned. - how it went, then to now

Ive run tren hex for 1 month ago, (i know, bad choise). I gave it a shot couse i heard how damn good it was, and they were right...20-30kg + in 5 weeks in squats. But i run it with low dose of deca just for the joints and got bigger gyno, so i dropped the deca and keept on going with the tren and upped the dose, only 80mg e3d i 3 weeks and then 160mg e3d in 2 weeks.

From other guys that ran tren said that there joints felt better while on it. But that was not how it went in my case.... dropped tren totaly and went to test cruise (there i am now). By joints went record bad, very very bad. Couldn't stand it. And this was 4-5 weeks ago, so it not so weird my joints still havet recoverd.

One guy, i think it was austin. That told me it took him a year after winstrol to recover. So i still think i can get my joints better with the right supps. No more aas that sucks water out of my body.. and no drugs that do the same. Except if im forced to do letro..(short time).

So i still belive that i can get better, deca, hgh, igf, vitamins and TIME.

Under this spring i gonna go to the doctors, like one recomended, i want a x-ray on my feet but that will be impossible. Anyone know what i could say ? cant just say i want a x-ray couse my joints crack so mutch. Maby say my feet got runned over by a car and after that it started to crack, "so i wanna se that nothings is broken couse it feels bad". That could work, maby?
Seriously how mutch tren are you on? where do you read that i dont lissen? and where the fuck dose I say that the people that awnsers in this thred are stupid? Come on dude, your better than this. Treat people with respect and i will treat you the same. stop say shit like that couse im very gratefull for those who what written and give me tips. So UNDERSTAND that !

I dont mean using tren and shit like that and use mast as an AI, but with test it works fine as an AI, thats no broscience.

I dont know the word hellbent but i guiss that you whink that i give a shit about what you say and gonna run deca for a year no mather what. Do you seriously think that? how stupid do you think i am?

Im here to get help. And when you say that caber works on the dopamine, and it seems like low levels of prog gives the same sides on the joints as low estrogen? if its like that i dont know if i gonna use caber at all. And of course i dont gonna run deca for a year "NO MATHER WHAT", if i get problems i jump of, or just run deca for a shorter period of time. Or at a lower dose to be able to skip the caber.

You have not literally said, "No I'm doing what I want - you are stupid." That's correct, however what I mean by my statement is that you have rejected lots of advise.

Additionally, you were very rude to me from my first post. I began by questioning the legitimacy of your initial question like many others did including the owner of the site, but I did answer one of your questions in that post.

But since you either misunderstood me because of a language barrier, are just a complete asshole, or for some other reason have been rude and defensive, I'll start over. I'm sorry you've had a bad impression of MC.

To address your problem:
First, like BigZ said no drug will help if your joints are that bad. Drugs will only further your problem - specifically aromatase inhibitors and winstrol.
Second, I've never heard of caber helping joints.
Third, you must have a high fat diet to help joints. This is how many champion powerlifters get by lifting heavy for decades.
Fourth, I would consistantly take animal flex. It takes a while for it to work, however, it is a fantastic product.
Fifth, gear up with every wrap possible... rehband knee sleeves (run big), inzer elbow sleeves (run very big), knee wraps for squats (I recommend either Titan or sling shot 2.5m), wrist wraps, powerlifting style belt, and possibly cvs/walgreens arthritis wraps for during the day outside the gym.
Sixth, topical joint aids such as horse linement.
Seventh, increase your calcium and cut out all carbonated drinks. Also make sure you are getting enough vitamin d3. D3 deficiencies prevent calcium absorption.
Eighth, do heavy partial squats and deadlifts. Handling weights over your max has been shown in studies to improve tendon and ligament strength.
Ninth, talk to a specialist and maybe see a chiropractor.
Ten, take a quality multivitamin and ZMA.
Eleven, get bloodwork done to see where your e2 is now. It could be low.

That's all I can think of right now. If you still think I'm a dick, go fuck yourself in the face.
As I'm reading all this BS how did he know Presser owns the site...especially for a Noob?? I for one have had joint issues(herniated discs, fractured shoulder, SLAP tear in the other shoulder, arthritis in knee etc.) & found that removing all toxins & staying hydrated helps booze, partying etc.
As I'm reading all this BS how did he know Presser owns the site...especially for a Noob?? I for one have had joint issues(herniated discs, fractured shoulder, SLAP tear in the other shoulder, arthritis in knee etc.) & found that removing all toxins & staying hydrated helps booze, partying etc.
I was wondering the exact same thing. I think this is probably a scam, but I answered anyway. It isn't like my joint suggestions aren't applicable to others.