my liver

mighty mike

New member
my liver enzymes were very high. I know why and was just wondering if there was anything i could do to bring them down thanks
my friend is 26 had test done recently. One number was just over 100 was supposed to be 30's.

I am not sure what number I am talking about it was a liver test.
If you work out a lot you can have a false reading on some liver enzyme tests. It has to do with the break down of muscle.
don't worry bro its your liver, it can regenerate! so why not nuke the shit out of it................hahah haahha

no bro ask you doc. seriously
I have some milk t and im going back to the doctors in two weeks. Im going to get retested and i'll get my old info. I think i'll do a whole bottle of milk t this week and see what happens. Thanks later
liver values!

bro, im in the same boat on the liver values being very elevated, the bad thing is that i work around vinyl chloride and the plant nurse keeps threatning to move me to a different part of the plant if my liver enzymes keep elevating, i heard for best results for your blood work, take about a week off from lifting then go and get your blood work done, this is what an old bodybuilder in my area told me, and i think i will try it this year and see how it works.
Jo Mar Labs has an amino acid blend designed for hepatic disease called Formula H/7. (
I also use milk thistle, inosiol, ALA, any liver support formula would be a good choice. March of this year I completed a one year treatment for Hep C. That was a year of interferon injections and capsules of rebitol (medicine from hell). Since then I've done a cycle containing d-bol, and the shit kicked my ass. At the end of the 6th week, even though I loved the pumps and strength, I was kinda glad it was over. Obviously my liver is very sensitive to stress so I have to be very careful, hence taking as much sups I can.

Wish you well Bro.

definately hard to say without more details from the doc. Seems to me he would have made some suggestions.