My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

Pics look good bro, keep your head up, ups and downs are an unfortunate side effect. IF you're anything like me, little changes like your training partner switching shifts just pisses me off and and my mindset up, but that's when you just take it out at the gym
Okay so this week the IGF comes back in ... have to say i cant wait. Had a good leg session on the friday just passed, but no records broken if you know what i mean.

My diet has taken a dive over the weekend as i was moving house, but i have to say what a cardio and full body session! LOL 2 days of running up and down stairs with king matresses, beds, wardrobes, desks, and general hard to hold junk. Was totally battered by the end of Sunday.

So back in to it this week and with any luck the progress i saw previously will now come back once again.

I'm having my lady take some pictures this evening, so should get them up in the next day or so.

Trying something different this time round with the IGF, have decided to mix with AA instead of BAC water. Currently im still on the 100mcg individual vials so validity at room temp is not an issue, however as im running low on BW and have 30ml of AA ... why not make the change :)
I only use MC IGF which is mixed in AA, so I would do it no other way. As far as time on, I've done 12 weeks straight ED and got good results at 80mcg a day. I've bumped it up to 100mcg a day now and I'm just using it preWO with MGF postWO at 400mcg. Each dose of IGF feels like the first time! I love it! The sides from the CJC and GHRP 2 are a little rough, but IMO its definately worth it. I'm growing on this stuff like I never have on high doses of AAS and I feel great. Less puffy than on high doses, stronger, and I sleep like a baby. I'm not getting off IGF this time or any of it.
Pics look great too. All you need to do is add overall size. Your symmetry is excellent. It sounds like your diet may be a little too clean though. I like to throw in some new things and change things up when I get down or burned out.
So literally now the dust is settling from moving house (which is a f'in workout in itself) im back!

I started back on the IGF again the week just gone, so im playing catch up with the log here.

First day back on was legs, so i took the advice of a few people on here and site injected the IGF to the area that i want to add to (sweeps) and went squatting :)

I decided to go for smith machine squats this time around, mostly due to the fact that the squat rack was being used by some skinny kid for a weird shoulder/back routine combo (i hate that ... ITS A SQUAT RACK!) Any way i was rareing to go so i hit the smith machine.

I was really concious on form .. having read lots recently about leg growth and why it doesnt happen for some. I really wanted to go heavy but only as much as i could go below parrallel and do a proper ass-to-grass squat. Well i got my wish, i was totally psych'd and on fire!

Ended up warming up with 60 and 100kg for 15 reps, then went on for

10 x 140kg
8 x 180kg
6 x 220kg
10 x 100kg
The last set i could barely get out, and if im totally honest .. i say for 10 reps but the last 4 or so were proper shakey, no depth and failing :)

I moved on to 3 sets of heavy leg press for 180x15, 260x15, 320x15 with no reall issues there, nice and controlled. Then some light hacks just 180x15 for 2 sets to really pump up the sides.

For detail work i just went for a leg extension / ham curl super set, 3 sets of the same weight for 20 reps to burn. And finished on free lunges for 2 sets. God it felt amazing all the way through, but the next day you could really tell the difference on going below parrallel :)
The next up on the schedule was back and triceps, a favourite session of mine but strangely also lagging parts in my eyes as well.

Its very hard to put IGF in your lats by yourself, but i did manage it somehow and it was less painful than i thought it would be too, triceps however were another story on the pain front .. i know i know suck it up :p

So i started with pull-ups on just body weight, not my fav exercise i have to say, as i find it really strains my forearms where i had injury before. But they have to be done really.

Next on to the king (of which i have only just returned to doing) dead lifts. I have to say i love pulling the heavy weights, but being over 6ft and having pretty tight hams i do find this a very clumbsy and awkward exercise.

Not bad on the weights though, straight through from 60kg to 180kg with no issue and no less than 6 reps in any set. Failed totally on the 220kg twice so i called it a day on the deads.

Moving on to heavy pull overs, just 3 sets from 25kg per side for 20 up to 75kg per side for 12.

Triceps i followed the following routine

Skull crushers for 4 sets, 15kg to 22.5 kgs for 12
Press Downs for 3 sets, 45kg to 60kg for 10
Close grip bench for 2 sets, just 60kg for 10

And finished off with kick backs, my new fav exercise for tri's. Just 15kg for 15, only 2 sets just to burn.
Monday was legs day .. and what a day!

After completing what i did this day i have named my session the 'MASSIVE-
E Challenge' ... you might deem the amount of sets or reps stupid, but every now and then you gotta push yourself past that comfort point! I have to say .. now its wednesday .. I HURT!

I shot 80 mcg of IGF bi laterally in to my sweeps, and knocked back some stims and away i went. Might add this is all with strict 45 second breaks in between.

Smith squats
5 sets - 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 230kg :
min 8+ reps all to failure

Plate Loader Squat machine
4 sets - 100 / 180 / 260 / 380kg : min 10+ reps all to failure

Leg Press
3 sets - 180 / 260 / 380kg :
min 10+ reps all to failure

Free Weight Squat
4 sets - 60 / 100 / 140 / 100kg : 10 reps

Plate loader hack close stance
3 sets - 100 / 140 / 180kg : 10 reps

Ham curls
3 sets - 60 / 70 / 85kg :
min 10+ reps all to failure

Standing Calf Raises (10 sec reps each way)
3 sets - 100kg : 12 reps


This is 250 reps, 25 sets, and trust me its not pretty .. but god i felt like i was on fire this day. It was totally unintentional though. I got down the gym and my training partner wasnt there, so i started. By the time he showed up i was at the end of my Leg press session, and he said right lets go then (not knowing i was already close to finishing) i felt fresh still so we went again.

My god this morning (wednesday) my poor legs are on fire ... love it!

Tuesday was a rest day as it was my wifes birthday and i had to treat the lovely lady ... so tonight its shoulders and tris!

Dang... that's some serious weight you're pushing on those squats there mate! Legs are one of my week points that I've been working on for the last few months.... I'll get there some day!

Curious to see your mid way pics???
Right a quick run of pics taken 2 weeks ago, and then i'll post up last weeks training. Hopefully be on track for this week then :)

Holding lots of water, which i believe is concurrent with the peptides and AAS levels im taking. Hopefully once all that drops out i should be looking sweet!
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Right so Monday this week was Legs night ... have been dreading this week as i've had to train at a gym where the atmosphere really isnt inspirational at all. Its just been closer than my normal due to family commitments, and my training partner is away all week :(

Sadly going in with the attitude already that the session was gonna be less than amasing the whole workout was mediocre and disappointing. Just one of those ones where the machines are different and the weights, and mostly just because my normal gym is a hardcore dungeon for BB'ing and this other one is more mainstream and commercial.

Anyway, i went for as close to my normal routine as i could with what was around.

Smith machine squats @ 10reps or failure - 60/100/140/180/220kg
Front free Squats @ 10reps or failure - 60/80/100kg
Hack squat machine @ 12reps or failure - 50/75/150/175/200kg
Leg extentions @ 15reps - 60/80/100kg
Lying Ham curls @ 15reps - 70/90/100kg

Then i wandered upstairs to the fake hammer strength machines and burned out on the fake leg extention/ham curl machines lol.

This week the protocol has been the same as far as peptides go 100mcg of CJC and GHRP-6, 3 times a day. One on waking, one after training and the other just before bed.

IGF administration has been the same as well. Sticking with 80mcg still at the moment, and just ordered in some more from AO. Was gonna order some of MC's IGF but i cant take the chance of it not arriving as the past 2 shipments have never made it through (quite gutted but thems the breaks). No beef with MC, just gutted i cant get my hands on it. Is so strange, the other IGF comes from the states too, via fedex expedited, and is here without fail in 4 days. Weird!

So as i say not a fabulous work out, but better than nothing. Tomorrow i have to use the same gym for chest ... not looking forward to it
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Chest day was .... rubbish!

Dont think i'll ever train in that gym again .. it was just so demotivating.

Dumbell press .. Pressed out 67.5kg dumbells for 10 after working up from 45's
Incline bench .. a rubbish 100kg for 8 after working up from 60.
DB flyes .. not too bad, worked up from 15's to 30's for 10+reps each set.
Cable cross overs (upper and lower) .. a good burn out .. 3 sets of 20reps

Was just not feeling it this day, and the food etc was off all day too. Shaping up for a bad week!

Nothing different on the peps front.
Hi Guys,

So i havent been on the board posting for a long time! A bout of heavy sickness and BIG problems with my job have really screwed me over. Im not quitting the run im on and i'll continue to post updates in the log ... but i no longer see it as an accurate 'Cycle' log due to the gaps.

Apologies to anyone that was following, i'll still be putting up results etc ...