My Mom will take & try Dianabol / Anabol

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I think that making the choice to supplement AS being as ignorant as you are on the subject is a bad one. You know nothing about what you want to use to solve her problem, thus you cannot make a wise decision. I am not flaming you though bro, everyone has to start somewhere, but this applies to every aspect of your life: you need to educate yourself to the best of your ability on any subject before making a decision. Do this and you will lead a much healthier, smarter, fruitful, sounder life. The benefits are worth your time in learning.

Just to let you in on a little secret:

Dianabol is very toxic and can cause deepending of the voice, and clitoral enlargement and numerous masculinizing side effects in doseages even less than 5mg ED for a female, not to mention body hair growth on the face and shoulders... I couldn't even imagine what this stuff would do a an old woman. Toxic substances are NOT wise in my opinion for old people. Shit, people who die of "natural causes" generally have some sort of organ shut down (commonly the liver), so with and old and weathered liver I would not feed it toxins....
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haxoroid said:
Alright.. she will be 53yrs old in December 25th. She needs to gain some weight..and I'm gonna get some Dbol for her..25mg per day..should be enough for her..what do you think ?

Your dad will be happy with the increase in sex drive until her voice deepens and she starts to grow a beard. (Because she is your mom I won't mention the other effects.)
I'm sure people have had the reaction they have had because this is just a bad idea all around, and certainly seemed like it would have been a joke. I'd suggest you, or have her log on, post her goals in the woman's fitness forum. I think it'd get the attention the question deserves there.

That said, good thing you posted instead of just giving them to her!
I think that it's time to close this thread as flaming is starting to take place. Including myself. If any other MOD feels that it should stay open then I have no problem with anyone re-opening the thread.
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