My NEW contest pics

Spanishfly-way impressive! I think we are all in awe! Arms, legs, midsection all look great. I'm going to try to get my wife to look like that.
Thanks everyone!! I definitely need to pack on some more muscle in my upper body and cut my legs down so you can see more definition. I'm planning on doing another show in April. I absolutely can't wait! I have alot of work to do though and the diet part is really going to suck!! LOL!!
SG--No it wasn't NPC---I wish....LOL!!! Maybe someday...that would be so awesome!!:) Yes I competed in all of those, they allowed the crossover from bodybuilding to shape and fitness. It was such a good time but so darn tiring. I was exhausted after the show and hungry and thirsty as hell!! Pre-comp---I'm going to start preparing after this holiday. I have a friend who competed NPC, she has her pro card and all ---she's going to put my routine together. I will be much more prepared this time.
Congrats on the show! Your back is really defined!! Looking good...keep up the great work:) .........456
Spanishfly said:
Thanks everyone!! I definitely need to pack on some more muscle in my upper body and cut my legs down so you can see more definition. I'm planning on doing another show in April. I absolutely can't wait! I have alot of work to do though and the diet part is really going to suck!! LOL!!

First of all you look great. You really must have worked hard to get into shape like that. You are way to good for presser.....:D

As for women and the lower body cut and separation thing it must be pretty hard to do without finding the right combo of training frequency, reps and cardio because from the amature shows I have attended this is pretty common. My wife is going to compete in May and we are going to focus on that with her. If you have some results or talk to some other women that may be able to shed some light in this area please post the info.