My new training routine...input needed

mike ross

Registered Member
Gold Member
Being out of the gym for the last 2 years definitely has not been fun. So right now, with things being very hectic and working with new clients etc, I decided to go back to some of my college style techniques, etc. This routine can be vicious but its worth it for a quick 4 weeks til i can get more time free. Pretty much combines cardio and compound movements and I run things by the round. It looks like this

BTW, all sets are with 12 rep max, and I perform 10 reps, by round 5 Im down to 7-8 reps on some exercises.


Flat DB Bench
DB Deads
Standing DB Shoulder Press

Rest 2 mins, no rest between stations
Repeat for 5 rounds

then 2 exercises, opposing body parts, that are isolation type. I work on lagging parts here...
10 min HIIT Treadmill Cardio


Barbell Rear Push Press
Romanian Barbell Deads
Hammer Strength Incline Press
DB Lunges

Rest 2 mins, no rest between stations
Repeat for 5 rounds

2 new isolation exercises
10 min Rowing for cardio


Front Squat
Hammer Strength Decline Press
Heel Leg Press
Weighted Pullups/Chinups

Rest 2 mins, no rest between stations
Repeat for 5 rounds

2 new isolation exercises
10 min Rowing for cardio

GIve me some thoughts or ideas. Exercise substitution?
Looks solid my man. Esp for a good starting back up routine. I would very seriously look into a Y3T program bro. Esp if time is a concern. It is crazy fckn intense and also cuts your workout time in half. And I garuntee that you will be shocked by the growth and lean muscle mass this program will give you. It's a great mix of high intensity and high volume workout. It changes week to week. Im not lying one bit when I say that in 12 weeks I added a SOLID 12 to 15lbs of muscle with this. Be ready to be pushed to the limit bro. So many drop sets rest pauses static holds etc its crazy......
Looks solid my man. Esp for a good starting back up routine. I would very seriously look into a Y3T program bro. Esp if time is a concern. It is crazy fckn intense and also cuts your workout time in half. And I garuntee that you will be shocked by the growth and lean muscle mass this program will give you. It's a great mix of high intensity and high volume workout. It changes week to week. Im not lying one bit when I say that in 12 weeks I added a SOLID 12 to 15lbs of muscle with this. Be ready to be pushed to the limit bro. So many drop sets rest pauses static holds etc its crazy......

Was the muscle addition clean or supplemented? Send me a link to some stuff about it...Gonna be out your way soon kicking Chris's ass too. Cant wait
Was the muscle addition clean or supplemented? Send me a link to some stuff about it...Gonna be out your way soon kicking Chris's ass too. Cant wait

I just got told your were comming this way next month sometime. I have the whole routine in my gym bag so ill copy it off for you and give it to you and go over it wit ya. Sounds like its gna be a fun day. I work Wednesday through Saturday and the get Sun, Mon, Tues off every week. So i hope We can all meet up tear quincy apart, LOL!!!!!!!! And yes supplemented. I've had my trainning partner do it with me and he was clean as clean can be and he put on 12lbs and it was solid muscle. This routine will not allow you to put on fat
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Looks solid for starting back up...but for kicking my ass...well I think you'll need more time in the gym to do !!!

Honeslty, we all go down to MWI I think Mike and JHowe will be kicking all our asses all over the place...You want to go heavy, Mike Moore is the man...
not gonna be back to my heavy days like before for a while. Give me a year or less and I'll be there. Right now its a humbling experience, I'll tell you that.
not gonna be back to my heavy days like before for a while. Give me a year or less and I'll be there. Right now its a humbling experience, I'll tell you that.

dont feel bad bro, im right there with ya, i havent touched any "Supps" in a long long time, and been injured ect, so i know how ya feel daddio, but its like riding a bike!
In less than a year and without AAS (except I just added super dmz a week ago - not sure if that counts as typical AAS) I'm at about 80% of my best lifts from when I used AAS. I suspect I should reach my all time best lifts within the next 6 months to year. Just take it slow and you'll reach your goals in due time.