do you and Auri ALWAYS have to talk about the GAY relationship that the 2 of you share. PLEASE keep that sh!t through PRIVATE e-mail. :D :D
JackedUpIFBB said:
Keep up the hard work.

You ever consider shreading up all that mass?

Yes I have, and actually before this current bulk phase I was on my way but then a new pro wrestling opportunity came up for me. I used to be a pro wrestler then quit cuz I got sick of it. now I have potential new opportunity and I need the mass now. I'm about the size of kurt angle I'd say but with a totally different body type (longer, bigger arms..not as wide, etc..) but I want to be a little bigger. So right now I just want the mass.
ya ya he's a big mofo but can he dance--jk biotch you know i love ya--you look WAY bigger then before that slin is really paying off
Stupid Biotch said:

Yes I have, and actually before this current bulk phase I was on my way but then a new pro wrestling opportunity came up for me. I used to be a pro wrestler then quit cuz I got sick of it. now I have potential new opportunity and I need the mass now. I'm about the size of kurt angle I'd say but with a totally different body type (longer, bigger arms..not as wide, etc..) but I want to be a little bigger. So right now I just want the mass.

Oh thats great to hear bro, good luck :D
Hey Biotch, that's cool you're really getting into pro wrestling?? I used to bounce, do the front door for a big night club in San Diego (5 years) there were a bunch of pro wrestlers that came in there, I used to talk to them about it... that would be an awesome thing to do for a couple years, if you get big on the circuit you make ALOT of money, this guy konan used to come in there alot, fat ass Benz always with like 2 hot chicks looking to get loaded on.. well.. better not to go into it.. ha ha.. but anyway, I would love t hear more about your wrestling career, I have a good graphic design career now, but I always said If I could get up to a clean 250 I would look into doing that stuff. If I was cut, I'd probably be about 220 right now, at 6'1 so I have quite a ways to go, and I'm 27 now probably too old to think about that stuff, but I would love to hear how its going for you!


Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I was wrestling for four years then got fed up with it and quite. I did get a match with the WF once (off camera) and also had a couple matches with ECW when they were in business. Both of them told me..."Get bigger" (I was only 180 back then). Anyway, they said I have what it takes, just need to get bigger and try again. So, I got bigger but began hating the wrestling business. I decided I owe it another try so here goes! LOL. It's frustrating seeing guys that I used to wrestle with like Edge, Christian, and Rhyno, all ending up as big starts on WWF TV. I WANT THAT TOO!!! anyway..Thanks again guys.
I got trained at a local school about an hour from where I lived. It was horrible training and the only way I made it out of there was because I was good. So I sent my tapes out and went from there. Wrestled from California to Canada.

For the person that asked...I'm 6' 224 right now. The good thing about my body is that I look bigger than I actually am, thank god.
Props go out to you SB you are one huge mofo...I wish that you would get back in the business!!! You da man!!!
When you're a big star - call me, and I'll bring the baby oil. My rates are $1.75 incall and $2.50 outcall. And I am not a clock watcher!
Auriflex said:
When you're a big star - call me, and I'll bring the baby oil. My rates are $1.75 incall and $2.50 outcall. And I am not a clock watcher!

Hey Auri, Biotch used to be straight when he was at FB, now you got him talking crazy talk. Think I might go back to FB before you guys get me! :D