My rebuttal


Hardly a Newbie
I get asked the ,," what are you taking " things all the time .. I always blow them off . but when I hear people talking about how stupid , and dangerous steroid use , I can never hold my tongue ... these are always the points I bring out

1) More Human beings on this earth , can legally purchase and use steroids , than those who cannot ... so much for all men are created equal ... America has such a big brother govt , that it feels it needs to justifiy all the tax dollars they waste on useless shit! by giving Americans the impression , that they are "watching out" for the people . Bullshit ! if steroids were researched , and developed . and people were properly educated . They would be far less dangerous than , Tobacco , or alchol

........ which brings me to ........

2) Almost all steroid related deaths are a direct result of abuse ... Many more people have died by abusing Tobacco , and alchol . but these are not only legal , they make huge amounts of tax dollars for our Government .. so what is the real motivation for keeping them legal .
teekahty said:
I get asked the ,," what are you taking " things all the time .. I always blow them off . but when I hear people talking about how stupid , and dangerous steroid use , I can never hold my tongue ... these are always the points I bring out

1) More Human beings on this earth , can legally purchase and use steroids , than those who cannot ... so much for all men are created equal ... America has such a big brother govt , that it feels it needs to justifiy all the tax dollars they waste on useless shit! by giving Americans the impression , that they are "watching out" for the people . Bullshit ! if steroids were researched , and developed . and people were properly educated . They would be far less dangerous than , Tobacco , or alchol

........ which brings me to ........

2) Almost all steroid related deaths are a direct result of abuse ... Many more people have died by abusing Tobacco , and alchol . but these are not only legal , they make huge amounts of tax dollars for our Government .. so what is the real motivation for keeping them legal .

Your asking the goevernment or the public in general to use common scence , sorry bra ain't gunna happen !!
teekahty said:
2) Almost all steroid related deaths are a direct result of abuse ... Many more people have died by abusing Tobacco , and alchol . but these are not only legal , they make huge amounts of tax dollars for our Government .. so what is the real motivation for keeping them legal .

Good point on this especially, but think about it, has anyone ever really died from steroid use? I know people have died from DNP & slin, but how can you die from test?

Nothing like tobacco and liquor.
Re: Re: My rebuttal

Harvey Balboner said:
Good point on this especially, but think about it, has anyone ever really died from steroid use? I know people have died from DNP & slin, but how can you die from test?

quite a valid point.
There is absolutely no way to prove steroid use was the cause .. your right .. One more demonization ploy used to degrade Steroids .. but .. cholestrol . High blood pressure .. and the like . is no doubt a Steroid related side effect ,, but it can also be brought on by a bad diet .. and there is no law on the books about Shitty foods . and when you think about it,, is their a bigger plague facing Americans right now , then obesity ?
you were my idol, whoa s me, o how the mighty have fallen, i thought you just had good genes and stuff. i need a hug , a girl hug, lower...
Personaly I think the average steroid user has the potential to be healthier than the average person on the street as well as non steroid using athleats. As a subculture we know more about endocrinology than most doctors ever will. We control our dht levels, aromatase levels insulin levels. You name it we're ahead of the game. As far as I'm concerned the only causes of ill health and death in body building is stupidity and bad luck (genetics).

Next time some one gets in your face ask them to lie down on the bench so that they can help spot you for some 400LB shrugs, just make sure you don't acidently drop the bar.
This is some of the best shit I have read on here yet. I agree 100% It is a crock of shit that you can get wasted on alcohol and drive home and kill someones 16 year old daughter and alcohol is legal? WTF? Do you shoot up some test and then go wreck and kill people? Hell no. I will tell you one thing I believe that the US government has not only taken away a lot of rights, they let the politics of it all determine what goes and what does not. They in all reality should be letting the people vote on things and decide. I mean BUSH did not even win popular vote and he is president?! Do you think that when this country was founded they meant for that to happen? HELL NO!
to each his own-don't forget if they ever make gear legal the gov't will tax the crap out of it-we'll be paying 400 for a 50ml QV Test E!!!
The fact that caffeine and tabacco are sold legally and historically create more addicts than marijuana, which is illegal, makes one wonder about the rationality of the government. If one lets the laws of government dictate their own personal morality/ethical platform, then they are in grave danger. Do your own research and you will find that most "substances" that are considered illegal and addictive and dangerous, are only so if one is uneducated.
OK so this one hits close to home, because when my wife found out about my using AAS, she told her MOM.....

her Mom went to my mom's house with all this info she printed on the internet and proceeded to tell my mother what a problem I had and that I needed "help"

THEN, when I tried to explain things to her she actually yelled at me and told me that she'd spent THREE HOURS on the internet and that she found proof that steroids were horrible, horrible things that affected your attitude, your hormones, the way you treated people - everything (plug the word "alcohol" in here and you'll see that it's more of a perfect match)

1300 people die every day from cigarette smoking and it's sides....someone's dying right now from an alcohol related incident or accident.

it's funny, my wife tells me that I shouldn't "use" because the shit's illegal - and this is certainly true. But how about the other week when she drove home from the VA Garlic Festival after we had polished off a couple of bottles of wine.........wasn't that illegal, too?
rippedchef said:
to each his own-don't forget if they ever make gear legal the gov't will tax the crap out of it-we'll be paying 400 for a 50ml QV Test E!!!

do you know the quality of Gear we would have .. and how clean it would be , if it was legal . and acceptable ... There is no downside to legalizing Steroids ,, NONE!
her Mom went to my mom's house with all this info she printed on the internet and proceeded to tell my mother what a problem I had and that I needed "help"
Time for an intervention bigshug!

I'll come there to lend support and to aid in the properly disposing of those dangeous, dangerous steroids. Tell your wife, mother-in-law and mother that help is on the way!
Fricking JOKE! The problem is is that not enough people know about the drugs and no one can do shit about it. Thats how I feel.
IMO steriods are illegal for 2 and only 2 reasons.

1. The average American wants to believe that their sport heroes are clean.

2. The average American male feels threatened by someone who is a) more muscular and b) doesn't have a beer belly

Also I do not think steriods are illegal due to the "threat" that they pose to our children.