My theory on IGF and MGF use

What do you think of this method of use?

IGF every 4th day.(1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29)50-70mcgs
Peg-MGF every 4th day.(3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31)70-100mcgs

use both products till all of it is gone... should be about 5-weeks

Shoot directly into muscle' post workout bi-laterally

followed up with

1.5-2.0 protein x bodyweight
2.5-3.0 carbs x bodyweight
.3-.6 fats(EFA) x bodyweight
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I don't know enough about MGF bro but I would question why there's a day inbetween the IGF and MGF. what are you going to do with days 2,4,6 etc.? Nothing?
It's an interesting theory but until you try it we'll never know what to expect from it. I say start running it this way and let us know!
I am speaking to John at IBE as we speak.. Peg-MGF only needs to be taken every 5 days and must be done atleast 24 hours BEFORE training.. so I will have to let you know what happens after 5 weeks.. A logis crazy to keep with this so I will give all spec's at the end of this program..
bigbaldbulldog said:
I am speaking to John at IBE as we speak.. Peg-MGF only needs to be taken every 5 days and must be done atleast 24 hours BEFORE training.. so I will have to let you know what happens after 5 weeks.. A logis crazy to keep with this so I will give all spec's at the end of this program..

Really? I would have thought it had to be run similar to IGF1. Could you please post info on where you got that?
Do u guys think there is a point a bb must get to before he can run igf, hgh, or slin? Like is it too early sometimes to consider it for a cycle...cuz im 20 and that shit sounds delicious.
iron05 said:
Do u guys think there is a point a bb must get to before he can run igf, hgh, or slin? Like is it too early sometimes to consider it for a cycle...cuz im 20 and that shit sounds delicious.
Hi Iron05,

I am supportive of supplements to be taken when the time is right...

I started lifting weights when I was 16 years old and 125lbs

I did my first cycle at age 25 and all it was was 400mgs/wk test and 30mgs/ed d-boll, I gained 25lbs.

I did my next cycle of the same thing 2 years later... gained 8lbs

When I started competing at State and national levels at age 32. I did heavier cycles... and then at age 38 did a cycle of peptides, test, GH.

Now at age 40 and after blood test ever year for the last 15 years I can tell you this from my own personal experience...

You are way to young and lack the experience, dedication and hardwork to jump on gear or anything else... put your time in the gym, dinner table and reading... I trained my ass off for almost 10 years before doing anything and look what I did... I know guys who do cycles and never come off totally...

Getting on juice is easy coming off is very very hard. I will call any guy a liar who said he did one cycle and taht was enough for him... You get it in your head you need this stuff to get don't!! You need training of mind, body and brain to get bigger.

Don't fall into the trap many of us have. I'll admit that much... take a little extra time and avoid chemicals....

You have soo many more options to getting big with supplements, boards and diet tips that I did not have at my finger tips back in 1981... hang in there!
bigbaldbulldog said:
Hi Iron05,

You are way to young and lack the experience, dedication and hardwork to jump on gear or anything else... put your time in the gym, dinner table and reading... I trained my ass off for almost 10 years before doing anything and look what I did... I know guys who do cycles and never come off totally...

Getting on juice is easy coming off is very very hard. I will call any guy a liar who said he did one cycle and taht was enough for him... You get it in your head you need this stuff to get don't!! You need training of mind, body and brain to get bigger.

Don't fall into the trap many of us have. I'll admit that much... take a little extra time and avoid chemicals....

You have soo many more options to getting big with supplements, boards and diet tips that I did not have at my finger tips back in 1981... hang in there!
one of the better posts ive seen in a while. :thumbsup:
Iron, got back to you buddy... Feel free to copy and paste my pm to you if you want. It says everything I feel and states everything most if not all of us think...

I hope I talked to your heart and soul bro. What I said came from the heart and I know it is not what you WANTED to hear but it is what you NEEDED to hear..

I wish you all the best in what ever you choose to do I just want you to know from a 40 year old what the next 20 years of your life "could" be... Steroids are so addictive psychologically it's hard to describe.. I quit for years at a time but when push came to shove I went back to them, after all the success I had with "Natural Supplements".

Train smarter not harder...
mikeswift said:
awesome bro keep us posted!
As you all know I am in my 7th week of a simple test/Parabolon/Primo cycle and tuesday I added a 75mcgs shot of IGF post workout to my program for teh next 25 days.. As of that date I am:

40 years old
5ft 6in
32in waist
181/4 arms (cold)
58 shirt
171/4 neck
26 quads
18 calves

I will post my final stats at the end of 25 days and we can compare what did or did not happen.. I am doing all shots in my delts as it is central to my arms, chest, delts(da) and back.. I will be adding Peg MGF friday to teh mix at 250mcgs every 5 days as I stated above... workouts are planned accordingly.

3 warm sets per body part and the 3 heavy set 3-5 reps.
2 excercises per bodypart

eating 1.5 - 2x my bodyweight per-gram/Protein
eating 2.0 - 3x my bodyweight per-gram/Carbs
eating 1/4x - 1/3x my BW per-grams/Fats

25-40minutes of mountain biking, kayaking or swimming 2-3 days a week.

My training,dieting and supplementation is all subject to change on a daily basis and may and will often change due to weather, mood, instinct and most of all listening to my body... When you kno what your body is saying to you you know what to do...
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sounds like a good plan brother, I especially like your disclaimer that your training, diet and supps may change. Not enough people keep this in mind and I think it's important to listen to your body especially for those of us that have been training for years.
saudades said:
Really? I would have thought it had to be run similar to IGF1. Could you please post info on where you got that?
Too be honest I have been a long standing member at IBE forums and have gathered info over teh year or so that lead me to attempt such a feat based on half life of these items.. If you get a chance poke around on there and you will see variable cycles of IGF or MGF or Peg MGF or all at once but after a while you will read thatgusy reallky got better results when using both IGF and PegMGF at the same time and space out their shots accordingly..

wish I could be more help then that but I usually stumble upon a good things like this by accident and by research.. example

I was doing PCT during my cycles when I first started using back in the 80's.. can you name one person who thought this was a good idea? You had to wait till the mid 90's to hear anything about Clomid, HCH, Proviron.. I got a gut feeling that this idea of mine can work since all peptides are not only about what you take but most of all WHEN you take..

Hope this kinda of helps...
All I had to do was mark what dose to take on what day on a calender.. very well thought out but easy to administor... just look at what to do on what date... copy and paste to your Septmeber calender..

I am 6 days in and my weight is 222lbs at 13%...
more power to ya brutha, im with mikeswift, im a dummy, i cant count,lol, i still just chug my jug of pills and whatever falls into my mouth i eat,lol, just kidding
bigbaldbulldog said:
All I had to do was mark what dose to take on what day on a calender.. very well thought out but easy to administor... just look at what to do on what date... copy and paste to your Septmeber calender..

I am 6 days in and my weight is 222lbs at 13%...
I was 217lbs 13%. 1 week ago... I think? I am getting old pretty sure i was. in 7 more days I will post weight and BF%.. that is what is important for now