My theory on IGF and MGF use

Okay guys I am on day 11 right now:
I just stepped on the scale, first thing in the morning, and I was 224lbs.

My strength is out of this world compared to where I started. The days of lifting heavy as shit were over for me 10 years ago. I lift slow and steady and wicked controled. If you go slow enough on movements when you lift it can feel 50% heavier..

Example: at a bodyweight of 190lbs I benched 405lbs for 3... a shoulder injury side lined me a few months later..

Now at 220+ I only push 315lbs for 8-10reps for 3 sets and lower slowly and push up controled not like a rocket taking off into space.

My overall strength is up on all movements about 10%... I get too pumped now too quickly and have to be careful how fast I train so I leave room to move weight not just get "pumped up"
I up'ed testoviron from 250mgs every 4 days to 500mgs every 4 days and I am begining to develope gyno.. added 1 mg Ari-Dex and 3mg Anti-Progesterone ED. Gyno showed up within 7 days.. 7 weeks in now.
I am adding Peg-MGF to the mix for the next 4 weeks... I am def leaner, thicker and harder looking while being almost 10 lbs heavier.. I have to confess that I started taking the whole regime of SST products about 3-4 weeks back and doing it all day long not when I remembered... taking a little bit throughout the day makes things better then just taking supp's whenver I thought of it.. 2 times a day dosen't do it I have to do it 4-5 times a day to make a difference..

I am sure it will take atleast 2 week before gyno goes away but wow the water from a shower sends me into orbit.. at this rate I should start my period next week..lmao
bigbaldbulldog said:
I up'ed testoviron from 250mgs every 4 days to 500mgs every 4 days and I am begining to develope gyno.. added 1 mg Ari-Dex and 3mg Anti-Progesterone ED. Gyno showed up within 7 days.. 7 weeks in now.

I'd almost wonder if you could also use Letrozole (femera) along with the Ari-Dex, especially if you are prone to gyno. I've used over a gram of test/week for a cycle before and have not had to use anything--no gyno. I must have some kind of tolerance for estrogen or I don't get much aromatization.
saudades said:
I'd almost wonder if you could also use Letrozole (femera) along with the Ari-Dex, especially if you are prone to gyno. I've used over a gram of test/week for a cycle before and have not had to use anything--no gyno. I must have some kind of tolerance for estrogen or I don't get much aromatization.
I do have Letrozole. Should I drop the Anti-Progesterone and add The letrozole and use Ari-dex and Letro?