My titties :(


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ok, so I never had this much of a problem with gyno before, and it's starting to piss me off. Hopefully someone could give me some advice here.
I started running Test E @ 750/week and Tren Ace @ 175/week. I started noticing little bumps under the nips, so I ran .25mg of cabaser eod. It helped reduce the size, but didn't completely remove it. So I stopped the tren, but the bumps although small still remained. I started adex .5mg eod and it helped a little more. Now, a few weeks later I'm starting the Tren again and these nips are sensitive as fuck! Should I go aggressive with the cabaser, like .5mg ed? I know it sounds like the obvious answer, but this is the first time I ran Test E before. I've always been a Sust or Test P guy. So I don't know if that might have something to do with it. So yeah, anyone got any ideas?
Oh yeah, and good to see some familiar faces. It's been awhile since I've been on these boards.
most people I know that get tren induced gyno go hard with the caber to get rid of it then back off, you could also keep the adex high with the high caber, get it under control then back off. I think it's easier to keep it under control once everything is settled down and the pain and puffiness had subsided.
Nolvadex 20mg-40mg daily, and Adex 0.5mg-1mg daily til your nips are not sore, I've even used Letro 0.3mg-.5mg ED Letro is a very strong AI, but when you need to get Estrogen under control fast Letro will do it. Then as Csuperman said it when it calms down pick one Nolva 20-40mg daily or Adex 0.5-1mg daily. Keep in mind that if you go with Nolvadex then it will only block not stop estrogen, keep this in mind at PCT time as Estrogen will still be high. You can run Adex 0.25mg-.5mg EOD as PCT, or just run it out during your cycle and nolvadex at PCT. I've never used caber, so I can't input on that drug. Keep us posted, hope you get it worked out.
Ok, so I never had this much of a problem with gyno before, and it's starting to piss me off. Hopefully someone could give me some advice here.
I started running Test E @ 750/week and Tren Ace @ 175/week. I started noticing little bumps under the nips, so I ran .25mg of cabaser eod. It helped reduce the size, but didn't completely remove it. So I stopped the tren, but the bumps although small still remained. I started adex .5mg eod and it helped a little more. Now, a few weeks later I'm starting the Tren again and these nips are sensitive as fuck! Should I go aggressive with the cabaser, like .5mg ed? I know it sounds like the obvious answer, but this is the first time I ran Test E before. I've always been a Sust or Test P guy. So I don't know if that might have something to do with it. So yeah, anyone got any ideas?
Oh yeah, and good to see some familiar faces. It's been awhile since I've been on these boards.

Up the cabaser for sure bro, and good to see ya bro, its been a while as u said
Thanks for the advice. Gonna up both and see what it does. I wasn't too sure about running both at the same time, considering one is for prolactin and the other for estrogen. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for the advice. Gonna up both and see what it does. I wasn't too sure about running both at the same time, considering one is for prolactin and the other for estrogen. I'll keep you posted.

Guys take both at the same time all the time and I've not heard of any problems doing so
Your good, you just waited a little long to start your AI, Test E is slower build up of Estrogen,but once it does it comes on strong. Arimidex has a half life of only 42~48hrs and and it's bioavailability is around 80%, so 20% of the dose you took never gets used. And in clinical trials for men, not women it only blocks 50-70% estrogen. That's why you may not see the desired effects, as your not using enough yet to cover your Estrogen.