Natural bodybuilders...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Do you guys really believe most of these guys are truly "natural?" I know some of them may be, but the top natural bodybuilders are a little big to make me believe they are all natural. I find it hard to believe that some of these guys haven't taken anyhing. Hell some of them even say they don't even take supplements of any kind
there was a guy at the gym one day that was huge turns out a really good friend of mine used to work out with this guy like 10 years before and he was just a regular skinny guy that worked out well he had ballooned up and got 2nd at the team universe that kai got 3rd in. said he was just eating pounds and pounds of chicken that's how he gained all the size
im pretty sure im more natural than most those competing lol my old Doctor who owns a local gym won a couple "natural" shows and last year lost his license to practice for writing to many scripts for HRT. I heard from guys who seen him around town that he went from 250ish to about 200 in less than a year. he is probably doing this to try and get his license back or he is on crack or his ass was never natural or all the above.
I don't believe most of them, but I think some of them probably are natural. I have a buddy that is doing the USAs in Vegas this month, that I know for a fact is lifetime natural. He will more than likely get his pro card this time too.
Every natty Ive ever met doesnt have the size,hardness and mass of the normal competition.... just sayin' (IMO)
It's so hard to tell, because genetics can be so different for different people. Even after using for a couple of years, I'm still smaller than most people I see in the gym. So, I assume that everyone is using. But, some people are just naturally big. So, it's impossible to tell who is using and who isn't.
Yeah, Genetics is everything, look at a Gorilla, eats leaves and plants but can weight up to 400lbs and as strong as 8-15 men. One in the Jersey zoo was 400lbs hanging by one arm while ripping off wooden planks that were nailed and screwed down with the other arm, genetics.
The best example I can think of would be Layne Norton. I know he doesn't have the size that he probably could have, but damn he really nakes me question everything.
Mine is Bo Jackson. I know we've talked about him recently on here. He said he never worked out, but his legs and shoulders were just huge. Imagine what he could have done on steroids.
Mine is Bo Jackson. I know we've talked about him recently on here. He said he never worked out, but his legs and shoulders were just huge. Imagine what he could have done on steroids.

I've been thinking that exact thing since I watched him on 30 for 30. Can you imagine what that guy could have done in bodybuilding?
It all depends on what your definition of "natural" is. Does it mean that you have been off AAS for a year after taking massive doses of AAS for 10 years? Or does it mean that you have never used AAS? I suspect that all the top natural bodybuilders who are competing have used AAS at some point in their lives.
Mine is Bo Jackson. I know we've talked about him recently on here. He said he never worked out, but his legs and shoulders were just huge. Imagine what he could have done on steroids.

Yea he would've been a freak if he had juiced.

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It all depends on what your definition of "natural" is. Does it mean that you have been off AAS for a year after taking massive doses of AAS for 10 years? Or does it mean that you have never used AAS? I suspect that all the top natural bodybuilders who are competing have used AAS at some point in their lives.

I don't know what the stipulations are in those federations, it may just be that you have to be "clean" for a certain amount of time. I'm not completely sure though, but I'd assume that at some point they've used. Some of them are just too unproportional to be natural. It is my understanding that you can only get so out of proportion naturally before you plateau
Most do a lie detector test. Despite the the fact that its proven to be unreliable. There is a guy at my gym that life time natural and he looks great and he's super strong. He's about 1" shorter than me and tops at 195. He competes at 175. He won his pro card last year. Just great proportion and tiny joints along with perfect insertions. Its all in the illusion. The scale tells the story of how much muscle he really has
A true never-used-PED natural bodybuilder would have to have excellent genetics.

You aren't lying. I can't say that I've ever seen a guy naturally look impressive. I live in a small town though, maybe there are some freaks in bigger cities, but the only guys who look good around here are the ones using