Nauseous after almost every workout


New member
Do you guys have any tips for not feeling like your gonna throw up after you workout? Because lately I've been pushing myself harder and harder and now after just about every workout I feel like I'm about to puke and have to sit on the toilet a good 30 min till I feel better; I even had to stop my last leg workout early cause I just couldn't go on. It's starting to piss me off.

I try to eat 30 min before I go workout and I just started that Jack3d pre-workout supp (kinda workin at 2 scoops, I'm gonna try 3 next time).

Should I eat earlier? Later? More carbs? Less?

Any tips please!!
I would say eat further awY from working out bro! What kind of meals ate u eating 30 minutes prior to gym?
Yeah an hour bro and no I wouldn't eat less u need ur carbs ya know and a protien shake ain't cutting it maybe take a tums right before working out I sometimes do that
Both are good points. I'd lean a little more towards that you need to eat further out. That much protein digesting will have all the blood working at your stomach/intestines so when you exercise, the blood gets diverted to your muscles, and that makes it so you can't digest properly giving you nausea. 1 1/2 to 1 hour at the very least is best for that amount of food.
I agree withed the comment on the Jack3d PWO sup. I just switched to it last week and there is something about it that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Don't get me wrong, I like it so far but in the shower after my workouts, I GAG! Keep us posted on how you like Jack3d. Going to try a Rolaids or Tums and see if it makes a difference.
I agree eat an hour before or an hour and a half and maybe give Jack3d a break for a couple days and see. Sometimes certain supps just don't sit well with some.
That's how I know I really pushed hard... I wanna puke. :) But if you eat and finish your meal at least an hour before stepping in the gym, you might not feel so crappy. I don't usually eat for at least 2 hours before, and I have to really push myself super hard to want to puke. Usually setting some kind of new personal best or crazy intensity.