Neck locking up


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anyone ever have there muscle in the front part of your neck lock up and take a min or so to stop contracting? Mine has been doing it a lot lately, especially with my tent rental business moving the poles it will catch me and lock up. Seems to be getting me a little doing shoulders too.
Anyone ever have there muscle in the front part of your neck lock up and take a min or so to stop contracting? Mine has been doing it a lot lately, especially with my tent rental business moving the poles it will catch me and lock up. Seems to be getting me a little doing shoulders too.

if its the same thing im thinking about, then that shit HURTS!!!!!! I use to get the muscle right under my chin lock up and that shit is super painful!
That is one of the most painful muscle cramps I've ever had. Write under the chin.

lmao....Hell yeah it is, i wasnt sure anyone knew what i was talking about or if this is what 1morerep meant or not, but that shit hurts and hits hard and fast!
It hits me most when I have a big yawn. Then its like I got my neck put in a vice. Its bad.
Lol yep when I yawn to but it's rare! So rare it surprises the piss out of me
you got it right, my left side of the front of my neck will tense up and stay like that for a minute, worst pain ever
I get that sometimes too! My eyes will get real wide because its hurts so bad. It usually hits me if I head is turned even slightly when a yawn comes
Hey 1More rep did you get this figured out? was it like press was saying and right under the chin (your digastric muscle) or of to the front side of the neck which would be more flexor related... I could probably have advice if its flexor related and even "diagnose to a point" why/what... but the digastric locking up... no clue, though I have had mine spaz before and push my jaw forward at the same time so when I bit down it felt like I had an underbite lol but thats rare for me and doesn't hurt as much as it freaks me the fuck out.

The digstric giving you problems only really makes sense if it happens when you are yawning or opening your mouth wide for other reasons (we don't need details lol) From your original post saying that it is aggravated by shoulder workouts and your mention that it is "the front part of your neck" and that it is isolated to one side, your left... I would almost put money on it being your levator scapulae... but thats a guess... and when they get angry they can get real angry (i mean your levators)...
oh man I used to get the neck muscle cramp after yawning from time to time. It's a terrible feeling. I notice it helps to push up hard on the muscle in between your chin and neck. After doing that the cramping would normally stop.
My neck use to do this all the time. I could fell it coming on and think crap here we go. Loll
Yeah pretty much what Presser said Yoda. It will lock up and I cant move for a few sec or so and it hurts like hell.
So I have a question... Your digastric is double bellied... its one of like three muscles in the body that are like that, For those of you that are experiencing spasm in it can you feel it in your mouth too or does it remain inferior to your mandible altogether... I'm just wondering if the to bellies can spasm independently of each other... should be able to just curious as to your guys experience with it.

botox injections will fix it... just saying lol
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Yep botox would fix it lol I forgot to mention 1Morerep, I would be dumfangled as to how your shoulder workouts could aggravate the digastric unless... and this is far fetched... but if you happen to press your tongue down and tuck your chin when doing shoulders which would cause your digastric as well as your mylohyoid and stylohyoid to activate causing the digastric to spasm... and then it would explain the pain off to the left side of the neck (stylohyoid) and you made me have to pull out my book to remember the name of the mylohyoid... you owe me lol