Need a thicker chest


MuscleChemistry member
Going back to more regular bench press, flat and incline. I have got to get my chest bigger.
I hear ya there! Mine could use some more size but hey who's can't right lol
I've been alternating flat bench on chest day and inclines on next chest day. I can go heavier on the one I would normally
do second. I usually do my inclines after flat but this way my inclines are much heavier. Will see how that works.
Crash and I have been switching it up on the bench, one week do barbell and the next week we do dumbells. After flat we always do incline and then some machine chest presses. I think we need to start doing incline more before flat too and see how that works.
This is how I put size on my chest. On test day I would do dumbbell flat bench press and inclined bar press and calve crossovers and close grip bench press on the Smith Machine. And on back day I always finish with flat bench press for 4 sets @225 for 12-15 reps or to failure. And on shoulder day I will always finish with incline dumbbell presses for 4 sets as heavy as you go for atleast 10 reps.
Gonna have to try that Lightouts. Im sure you have days in between for rest tho right?
I can no longer do straight bar flat or incline bench. Separated AC joint in the right shoulder has me never doing those again.
I can no longer do straight bar flat or incline bench. Separated AC joint in the right shoulder has me never doing those again.

Long time ago I injured my shoulder and could not do these either. I would do one of the machines, my gym had quite a lot
of good ones, that didnt hurt. Every once in a while I would try flat bench and it hurt. I thought I would never be able to
barbell bench or incline ever again. Gave up trying. Probably almost 2 years went by and one day I was walking by the
bench and gave it a try. No pain. I started again but increased slowly. I still do barbell flat and incline pretty heavy. My
Shoulders ache a little sometimes but no more injury. Just trying to say, mabey theres hope it will eventually heal if you
give it long enough.
Long time ago I injured my shoulder and could not do these either. I would do one of the machines, my gym had quite a lot
of good ones, that didnt hurt. Every once in a while I would try flat bench and it hurt. I thought I would never be able to
barbell bench or incline ever again. Gave up trying. Probably almost 2 years went by and one day I was walking by the
bench and gave it a try. No pain. I started again but increased slowly. I still do barbell flat and incline pretty heavy. My
Shoulders ache a little sometimes but no more injury. Just trying to say, mabey theres hope it will eventually heal if you
give it long enough.

i have just about the same exact story when it comes to that bro! couldnt do barbell and stopped for years and one day got under it and was totally fine, time heals all i suppose, i was doing dumbbell the whole time off from barbell btw
chest is my most stubborm bodypart. yet im really strong with all my presses. But i think my big shoulders and tris take ova alot of the time. So i had to do alot of experimenting to bring it up and im still at it but have def seen great results the last 6mons. i am always switching things up and i also use alot of pre-exhaust which has helped huge. the other things that helped was finding diff varations of certain chest excerises and trying new things. Been using alot of mountain dogs training techniques for chest and back and def been making progress