need advice


for my 4th cycle . I have clomid and androgel right now. I am looking to start a cutting cycle with clen and probably tren and maybe peptides like ghrp and triptorelin . What advice can anyone give me on a good cycle to make gains and lose fat with minimum sides. I have looked into ostarine but I am not sure how effective it is.
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sorry sorry. I edited the op. anyways littlebigguy , do you have any experience with ostarine or gh secretogues or peptides? I ordered oxytocin for mood and sleep too.
yes, so my first cycle was sustanon eod 250mg with andractim for 5weeks and clomid 50mg everyday for 5 weeks after , my second was the same except for androgel instead of andractim . 3rd was androgel and winny 50 mg every day plus androgel and dianabol 20 mg everyday. I dunno what you mean by stats exactly this is my first post in any kind of forum but I now weigh about 190 or 195 and im kinda sorta lean. I used to be a plump watery 200 - 210 height is 5'11
yes, so my first cycle was sustanon eod 250mg with andractim for 5weeks and clomid 50mg everyday for 5 weeks after , my second was the same except for androgel instead of andractim . 3rd was androgel and winny 50 mg every day plus androgel and dianabol 20 mg everyday. I dunno what you mean by stats exactly this is my first post in any kind of forum but I now weigh about 190 or 195 and im kinda sorta lean. I used to be a plump watery 200 - 210 height is 5'11
Getting closer to the type of things needed to help. how old are you? Whats your diet like? What kind of training are you doing?
Oh and 5 weeks of clomid for all cycles that I did not mention that on and 500iu HCg every 3 days for a week and half after the first two cycles. and I am seeing an endocrinologist regularly and am officially low t at 25 from whatever ...I dunno. So I am replacing my own hormones for now till my doctor gets serious about treating me with more than androgel and clomid.
My diet is pretty much somedays I will eat 4000 plus calories while others I am around 1200 . I eat about 4 meals a day and one protein shake a day I stay away from carbs and sugar for the most part and also try to avoid fat but only sometimes. I eat meat 2 to 4 meals a day. and try to make meals in advance . I take like so many supplements it would be ridiculous to list them all pretty much most things imaginable I keep them in a trashbag in my trunk. Today I ate steak and eggs and water then a steak and cheese sub with a smoothie then 2 cheeseburgers homemade patties with limeade then medicinal mushrooms like reishi and cordyceps in tea with goji berries and ice cream and yogurt and tuna plain by itself.
Lately I fast or eat little and avoid carbs and fat during the first part of the day and work out while fasting to stay catabolic early on then eat lots later to get as anabolic as possible before sleeping . But I could be wrong about if that works.
training: I go to the gym everyday but always limit myself to a half an hour at most at a time to get the best recovery and do compound movements and focus on my legs and shoulders .
Real talk. Those arent real cycles, everything you are doing is more than likely prolonging the inevitability of your endocrinologist putting you on test. be patiant and get that in order. then there are tons of threads out there about how to cycle when already on trt. this should be a higher priority than ghrp and such.
How are those not real cycles? My endo is kinda conservative and wants to see how I do before giving me real trt But I only ever feel good like normal with test higher than 700 . When I am off everything and go for the blood test my levels are like 70-90ng . Oh and I used to eat alot of canned food and soda and had lyme disease that went untreated for a bit long and had some major surgery . So I think and my endo thinks that the lowt could stem from that or something .
Yeah i missread that the sust was replaced with andro. lol.You seem sharp and i sincerely want to help but there is quite a bit going on here (i keep digging more out) and it is late. The MC bretheren will be of more help when they wake. I am going to bed.
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I lost interest after the 3rd or 4th post here but if u want to make gains while losing fat (as u stated in first post) id go with tren 37.5mg ED or 75mg EOD along with test prop at 75mg EOD.
Run some Clen for a while before u start... to lean up as much as possible.
What peptides have you looked into already? If you need any help with peps, PM me bro. I'll help out the best I can.