need advise on Testosterone Enanthate - stopping early


New member
I am 4 weeks in and about to do my 5th injecetion of 250mg per week...
This is my first time taking this and I am worried because I do not have post cycle HCG and Clomid.
I do not have faith that I will get it in time to start them near the end of the 10 week cycle...

I am 35 years old, 160lbs...
My big question is can I stop now and not have to worry about post cycle supplements or am I screwed at this point?

If I stop now will my bodies natural production of test turn back on? I don't wanna end up with gyno...
any suggestions?
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Its not that hard to get Clomid and HCG these days...Just gotta look around...(MC store carry research clomid)

but to be honest at 250mg per week, isnt very much, your natural test levels will come back up, without clomid..but will just take longer to do so
i agree with chris.... at 250 a week youl be fine with nolva or clo.

but if u wanna be on the safe side check out the MC store for some goodies
ok thanks so much guys!
So with that being said, I have no idea where to get HCG... Perhaps someone could drop me a line and help out because I would like to continue my 10 week cycle... Just got freaked out.
I will order clomid right now on MC... Only thing is..I looked and cant figure out which product is the right one... the names are sometimes elusive... is it aqua-clo? sorry for the newbie'ness...

one other thing too - when can i run an IGF cycle? should i wait till after my 10 weeks with test? also you all mention 250 is not alot.. should i beef it up to 400?
ok thanks so much guys!
So with that being said, I have no idea where to get HCG... Perhaps someone could drop me a line and help out because I would like to continue my 10 week cycle... Just got freaked out.
I will order clomid right now on MC... Only thing is..I looked and cant figure out which product is the right one... the names are sometimes elusive... is it aqua-clo? sorry for the newbie'ness...

one other thing too - when can i run an IGF cycle? should i wait till after my 10 weeks with test? also you all mention 250 is not alot.. should i beef it up to 400?

Careful, bro, you're borderline asking for a source.
Just get the aqua-clo and the nova bloat and you will be fine to continue your cycle...

You could bump up the dose to 400mg-500mg for few weeks and see how you respond, but if your gaining at 250mg per week, then why bump it up...Just keep it the same...I personally think a IGF and test cycle would do wonders for ya... or do the IGF post cycle to help keep the gains...both ways are good to do...With the IGF 30mcg per day is a good starting dose, and go up to no more than 40mcg's your first IGF cycle...
I agree with Chris 100% if your gaining at your dose now then there is no reason to bump it. You will need to bump it up over time so why rush it ya know?
Just get the aqua-clo and the nova bloat and you will be fine to continue your cycle...

You could bump up the dose to 400mg-500mg for few weeks and see how you respond, but if your gaining at 250mg per week, then why bump it up...Just keep it the same...I personally think a IGF and test cycle would do wonders for ya... or do the IGF post cycle to help keep the gains...both ways are good to do...With the IGF 30mcg per day is a good starting dose, and go up to no more than 40mcg's your first IGF cycle...

i agree with chris, the nolva bloat would be great
thanks for all the advise... how much clomid and nolva should i be taking and when should i start taking it?

you can take it last week before ur cycle ends and run out that way , or you can start soon as ur cycle finishes, as for the nolva 40mg daily for the first 5-6 days then down to 20mgs for another week or so, thats how i do it anyways
Yeah I like the nova at 40mg for the first week, then 30mg for week two, then down to 20mg for a couple of weeks
I woudl say your probibbly a bit shut down by now but your not using any prog typ steroids like deca or tren that seem to shut down most alot more and you have not been on long, also the dose not being crazy high.
I would rec like the others and just pick up some research nolva from store for your "pet" ;-)