Need Bicep Routine


National Strongman Competitor
Ok so I need to hit you guys up for a bicep routine. I need something new and something you guys have found adds some size..

This is the situation, I have been out of Bodybuilding for 8 years now, focused as a strength athlete...I'd say my biceps are strong, Im curling 225x3 reps on a straight bar as a max weight, I usually use 135/185/205 as working weight...but even with the heavy training they are not getting any bigger.

My biceps have always struggled, I love biceps, they are my favorite muscle, unfortunately God gave me bowling ball shouders instead :) I have very very short bicep heads, and most of the muscle I develop forms in my Forearms which for my bodyweight are oversized. But again my biceps are maybe 17"..Im not impressed...

You guys here are current in the sport, so what have you found works for size only?? I am almost thinking to do lower weight and higher reps several times per week??

For my calves and traps this works miracles, I used 135 for my traps and they have tripled in size, and I have a light calf day as well and my calves are I'd be willing to consider a high rep routine. I may have to use straps because my hands are so beat up from the strength lifts all week and believe it or not that limits my bicep sessions alot.

I want to get my arms in line with the rest of my body..Half my problem is that I cannot train triceps because of my tricep tendon tear and I cannot afford to have the surgery...

Can you guys throw out some routines and exercises that you swear by?? And not basic stuff, but give me a legit routine you use that you find works...and I will give it a shot for several months..

Thanks everyone :)
I wrote a nice big answer to this early then the server crashed, and it was lost,lol

So in short, Biceps grow well from medium weight high reps just like calves do, atleast in most people, and I like to do barbell seated concentration curls with 4-5 sets til failure and it really spiked my bicep growth
Personally my biceps grow more with less work. . i notice if i train them 2 times a week they dont seem to grow mass but seem to get a better shape. .
I focus on Tries to get my arm size up and bies i basically do 3 exercises 3-4 sets
My biceps are thick but zero peak. My biceps are also very weak. No matter what I do, they dont get very strong. I have a couple friends that have torn there biceps so I dont take that muscle to extremes. Im thinking about synthol bc Im pretty sure the biceps are the muscle that gets the best results from that prodcut. Wierd thing is that my right bicep has an OK peak and my left is flat. My left bicep is much stronger though.
I hit my biceps once a week (Mondays) in 4 different exercises. I am getting a bit better results than I'd like as I am now having to deal with stretch marks. Anyhow. For me, biceps grow best using a weight I can do at least 10 reps with. Going heavier, if your goal is to gain, is not going to get ya bigger.

The movements (reps) are slow and controlled paying attention to "Perfect" form. -Contract....stretch...repeat- kinda thing. Allow them plenty of time to rest and grow.
I have the same problem with my biceps and I think genetics are solely to blame here. I've been hitting them more often (about 2x per week) and the only thing I'm gaining is mostly strength. They look a little more defined, but that's it. I'll keep at them for now and see what happens.
Ok so I tried the reps of 10 and Presser I did your seated incline dumbell curls, I even did 3/4 reps...with much lower weight then I normally use...

Then did some preachers and ended with some light barbell work...

Haven't had a pump like this in years!!! Especially with that DMZ supplement I have been taking..Been training heavy arms for so long I forgot what it was like...Anyways, day 1, I took my shirt off and I would honestly say my arms looked an inch or more bigger even an hour after my session...They looked great..Ill stick with this routine for a few months, and I will look into FST-7 (as I have never used this before)

Thank you guys for all your responses, Ill update this thread as I go..It makes me miss being a Bodybuilder just a little bit, but I'm far too obsessed with strength to do this with any other larger muscle groups :)
Ok so I tried the reps of 10 and Presser I did your seated incline dumbell curls, I even did 3/4 reps...with much lower weight then I normally use...

Then did some preachers and ended with some light barbell work...

Haven't had a pump like this in years!!! Especially with that DMZ supplement I have been taking..Been training heavy arms for so long I forgot what it was like...Anyways, day 1, I took my shirt off and I would honestly say my arms looked an inch or more bigger even an hour after my session...They looked great..Ill stick with this routine for a few months, and I will look into FST-7 (as I have never used this before)

Thank you guys for all your responses, Ill update this thread as I go..It makes me miss being a Bodybuilder just a little bit, but I'm far too obsessed with strength to do this with any other larger muscle groups :)

We'll see,lol. You just might get that itch back brutha!!!
Ok train EOD like this, Back, Chest & Shoulders, Quads, Biceps & Triceps & Hams & Calfs.

Important for arms is no straps/hooks when doing back and when you train biceps it is not about the weight when trying to get bigger, strength and muscle size are completely seperate things. Pick up a straight bar put 10-15kg (22-33lb) on the bar and take a slightly wider than shoulder grip and do twenty reps steady and controlled. Repeat 5 times then grab the E-Z bar, medium close grip same again. Last x2 sets of each as many as you can do controlled. Biceps done.

Other than that you are limited if you are a true natural, rest is all drugs Im affraid
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Ok train EOD like this, Back, Chest & Shoulders, Quads, Biceps & Triceps & Hams & Calfs.

Important for arms is no straps/hooks when doing back and when you train biceps it is not about the weight when trying to get bigger, strength and muscle size are completely seperate things. Pick up a straight bar put 10-15kg (22-33lb) on the bar and take a slightly wider than shoulder grip and do twenty reps steady and controlled. Repeat 5 times then grab the E-Z bar, medium close grip same again. Last x2 sets of each as many as you can do controlled. Biceps done.

Other than that you are limited if you are a true natural, rest is all drugs Im affraid

I will try the wider grip barbell into my routine as well as training Biceps more then once per week and see what happens. I do traps 3x per week and they are

As for the rest of your routine, thank you but I'm afraid I am not looking for a workout routine..My strength routine could never incur that type of lifting and I have a good hold on how to get stronger, just want some larger biceps :)
BIGGER BICEPS need ligament loosening get 3" @

Use these straps and the pressure blocks to get your tight ligaments and sheaf muscles to loosen up and you will see 2-3 inches in Biceps and Triceps size in a few days, less than ten. Like Mexican handcuffs the more you lift most guys with terrible ligament tie ins, 90% your ligaments tighten and sheaf muscle get real crushing around the muscles. These tight nylon occlusion straps according to medical books is the only way to change your genetic ligament tie-ins for peak or bowling ball fullness. Unless you shorten the arm ligaments you can never gain huge size. This is a huge muscle size gaining breakthrough. The gains will be so fast you'll FREAK.

Muscle Morph

Ok so I need to hit you guys up for a bicep routine. I need something new and something you guys have found adds some size..

This is the situation, I have been out of Bodybuilding for 8 years now, focused as a strength athlete...I'd say my biceps are strong, Im curling 225x3 reps on a straight bar as a max weight, I usually use 135/185/205 as working weight...but even with the heavy training they are not getting any bigger.

My biceps have always struggled, I love biceps, they are my favorite muscle, unfortunately God gave me bowling ball shouders instead :) I have very very short bicep heads, and most of the muscle I develop forms in my Forearms which for my bodyweight are oversized. But again my biceps are maybe 17"..Im not impressed...

You guys here are current in the sport, so what have you found works for size only?? I am almost thinking to do lower weight and higher reps several times per week??

For my calves and traps this works miracles, I used 135 for my traps and they have tripled in size, and I have a light calf day as well and my calves are I'd be willing to consider a high rep routine. I may have to use straps because my hands are so beat up from the strength lifts all week and believe it or not that limits my bicep sessions alot.

I want to get my arms in line with the rest of my body..Half my problem is that I cannot train triceps because of my tricep tendon tear and I cannot afford to have the surgery...

Can you guys throw out some routines and exercises that you swear by?? And not basic stuff, but give me a legit routine you use that you find works...and I will give it a shot for several months..

Thanks everyone :)
Use these straps and the pressure blocks to get your tight ligaments and sheaf muscles to loosen up and you will see 2-3 inches in Biceps and Triceps size in a few days, less than ten. Like Mexican handcuffs the more you lift most guys with terrible ligament tie ins, 90% your ligaments tighten and sheaf muscle get real crushing around the muscles. These tight nylon occlusion straps according to medical books is the only way to change your genetic ligament tie-ins for peak or bowling ball fullness. Unless you shorten the arm ligaments you can never gain huge size. This is a huge muscle size gaining breakthrough. The gains will be so fast you'll FREAK.

Muscle Morph

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