Need help getting a workout together


New member
All input is welcome

1. Chest – Incline, Decline, Flat. Maybe some Butterflies
2. Triceps – Close grip bench, Pull downs, Triceps extensions

1. Legs- Squats, Dead lifts, Quads, Calves, Hamstrings

1. Upperback – Lats, Shoulders, Bies, Traps


1. Legs, the same as Tues.

Cardio and abs on non leg days.
Can someone please help me pull this all together!
Legs should be done in 2 parts 2 seperate days, so i would use one of ur leg days for quads and the 2nd for hams
What is your workout experience and are you just starting up?? What kind of shape
are you in (that's not you in the picture is it?) Kidding on the last part but give us
a little info on where you are at now - and be honest.
How about this

1. Chest – Incline, Decline, Flat. Maybe some Butterflies
2. Triceps – Close grip bench, Pull downs, Triceps extensions
1. Legs- Squats, Quads, Calves,
1. back – Dead lifts, Lats, Shoulders, Bies, Traps
1. Legs- Squats, Dead lifts, Calves, Hamstrings

Cardio and abs on non leg days.

Each week rotate Monday and Wend. and then thursdays will be what i started the week off with.
mcgaret said:
What is your workout experience and are you just starting up?? What kind of shape
are you in (that's not you in the picture is it?) Kidding on the last part but give us
a little info on where you are at now - and be honest.

6'1" 225lbs. about 18% Lifted for several years (alittle over one year not lifting) but had no structure and now I am wanting a program to follow. Kind of a weird split workout.
Just my opinion (we all have different ones - probably most good - pick one you
like) I think you should start slow and simple. You will make progress if you are
just starting up again and you can change it and get more advanced as your
body is ready for it. I think in the long run you will make better progress then if
you started with a complicated/advanced workout and also you will have a better
chance of not getting burned out. Example:
Day one: chest,shoulders,tris: Bench - 3 sets of 10 (one warm up, one med,and one
heavy) Incline Bench - same
Shoulders: Barbell press - same as above
(if you feel you have to do more) side laterals - 2 work sets
Tris: Close grip bench:(2-3 sets)
skullcrushers or pushdowns: same

Day two: Bis, back Legs; Bis; 3 sets barbell curls
3 sets dumbell curls (standing,concentration,whatever)
Back: 2 sets wide grip pulldowns
1 set close grip pulldowns
2 sets bentover rows
Legs: 4 sets squats w/last set heavy,aprox 5 reps
2 sets leg extentions
2-3 sets leg curls
3 sets calf raises (pick a exercise - heavy and high reps, 15 to 20)
Now you can make Legs a 3rd day by itself - then I would add deadlifts and some
abb work. You can have a workout day then day off or 2-3 days (whole body) then
day off.
This is only one guys rough guide - switch up exercises if you feel and there will
probably be more different advice - take what you like - main thing is to just get
in there and do it. My main sugestion is to start slow - better for your body and
your mind. I been around this game for over 30 years and the main thing I have
seen is guys starting out trying to do "everything" in the begining and getting burnt
out never to be seen in the gym again. Luck bro and keep us posted on what and
how you are doing.

P.s. dont know how that purple face got on there!! Also - whatever you do
just remember to make sure you work every major body part ex: dont get
lazy and just work upper body w/no legs. Also: just try to eat clean w/high
protien to start and last thing - listen to your body - if you are really sore
take a day off - if a exercise hurts change it.
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mcgaret said:
My main sugestion is to start slow - better for your body and your mind. I been around this game for over 30 years and the main thing I have seen is guys starting out trying to do "everything" in the begining and getting burnt out never to be seen in the gym again. Luck bro and keep us posted on what and how you are doing.
best advice I've seen, like McG said, start slow and be consistent. Try and eat clean and get your protein in. I would stick to the basics for the first 2 or 3 months and then start to add in more complex lifts and programs. After you're back for a while start looking into DC training.