need help making lipostabil at home


MC Vet
I have some phosphatidycholine and want to dissolve it in water and make a stable solution for research purposes. I know pure phosphatidylcholine (pardon my spelling if incorrect) is suppossed to be kept cold but lipostabil suppossedly doesn't need to be. I have talked to someone who tried dissolving it in bact water and it didn't work too well and the results were next to nothing. So this means it must take something mixed in with the bacteriostatic water to make it dissolve better and also keep it from breaking down or needing refridgeration. I realize that an explanation on how to properly make this will take someone w/ knowledge and a little bit of there time to explain....ANY information anyone can give me or anyone that anybody can put me in touch with to help will be greatly appreciated as always,,,thanks,,,bigjosh
bigjosh said:
I have some phosphatidycholine and want to dissolve it in water and make a stable solution for research purposes. I know pure phosphatidylcholine (pardon my spelling if incorrect) is suppossed to be kept cold but lipostabil suppossedly doesn't need to be. I have talked to someone who tried dissolving it in bact water and it didn't work too well and the results were next to nothing. So this means it must take something mixed in with the bacteriostatic water to make it dissolve better and also keep it from breaking down or needing refridgeration. I realize that an explanation on how to properly make this will take someone w/ knowledge and a little bit of there time to explain....ANY information anyone can give me or anyone that anybody can put me in touch with to help will be greatly appreciated as always,,,thanks,,,bigjosh

Did you order from cyber? I was going to get some from them, but I didn't know you had to dillute it w/something. Bump for more info.
Does anyone think phosphatidylcholine would work with dmso kinda like a yohimburn??? I was thinking so but I believe that lipostabil breaks apart the phospholipid bilayer of cells killing them, thus must be injected into fat cells....dmso on skin may kill the skin cells it touches. Does anyone know?,,,thanks,,,bigjosh
another bump for dissolving method as well as dmso,,,but I'm more intersted in dissolving method...

I may try another board and contact the company that sold me the phosphatidylcholine and ask them how to make a stable solution in water.... or hunt down some chemist at my university,,,but it will be hard to explain why the hell i wanna dissolve phosphat... in water...???,,,shit,,,,lol,,,,bigjosh
No I have yet to try because my friend tried it and it was unsuccessful. First off it comes cold packed so I must keep it in fridge. Secondly my friend said it took hours of shaking to make it dissolve in bact water and it barely dissolved. Maybe adding some BA would help but I dunno and would like to keep pain at min. The other prob is that lipostabil does not need refridgeration to my knowledge leading me to believe something needs to be added not only to help dissolve it but also to keep it stable at room temperature. If I can't find the proper info in a few days I'm just going to go ahead and try a few different methods and see what works...if I waste some oh well I guess....My friend who dissolved it in bact water said it did not work AT ALL after repeatd inj in the same area, so it must have A. broken down, B. not dissolved properly, C. it doesn't work to begin with, or D. a little bit of A, B, and C. ,,,bigjosh
I also just read that some companies have theophyline in addition to phospha.... in there lipostabil. But not all lipostabil has this....