Need help with posture..


New member
Hey guys,

As ive been gaining size over the years i have noticed that my shoulders have starting to roll forward. for instance if i were to lay my arms down naturally, they wont actually be by my sides but a little forwad.
For the last few weeks my shoulders have been hurting especially after training chest. i beleive it may have something to do with my changing posture.

Would anyone know how i could straighten my shoulders up. i try and pin them back when ever i can but when i forget they just go back to where they were.

Would you say maybe my back and rear delts may be under developed, being the reason why they roll forward?

I appreciate your replys

If your back has gotten wider that may be kicking them out. I would guess thats what it is. I would start doing some stretching if it is bothering you. Look up shoulder stretches and I think that may help. You don't want to lose range of motion.
Can't get any DHEA in Australia they dnt sell it here... Does that stuff even work as a pro-hormone?
Could also be a case of dominant chest/shoulders which causes you to round your shoulders forward. For every push exercise you do be sure to match it with a pull exercise. I don't mean during the same exercise but during the week, if you do an example 20 sets of push exercises be sure to do AT LEAST 20 sets of pull exercises. I would even up the amount of pull exercises to help strengthen those muscles and straighten out your posture. A good exercise is on the lat pulldown machine if you have a neutral grip attachment use that, sit like you would doing a lat pulldown but slightly lean back and then with the neutral grip attachment pull towards your neck and squeeze with your rear delts and then finish squeezing your rhomboids and upper traps together and hold for a couple seconds. The key is utilizing the rear delts, rhomboids and upper traps so don't be concerned about a lot of weight just concentrate on using those muscles.
Would you say maybe my back and rear delts may be under developed, being the reason why they roll forward?

Yes, that is usually the reason why that happens. I see this with many young guys who work out their chest a lot, but they forget their rear shoulders and back. Once you develop them better, they should naturally pull your shoulders back to where they are supposed to be.
same thing with me man. Ive been slamming rear delts for the past month and applying igf there, and they are finally starting to pop. It really helps if you can devote at least 2 excercises on shoulder day towards rear delts. Especially if they are lagging a bit
Thanks guys I Realy appreciate the advice..

It makes alot of sense now.
Time to mix up my routine again!