Need major advice!!


New member
Hi, I am new to all of this, extremmly new. I am 18 years old 5'4 127, I'm not sure if you guys will know about this but it dosent hurt to try. I am on depo-provera (which is a birth control which makes you not get your period, makes the horomes all crazy) anyways and my boyfriend wants me to go on a test...I dont think I can because I am on depo....I want to build muscel, well just to get started and thats it....but I am sooo confused!!! please please help, I'm lost

Thanks in advance for whoever replies!!
whats AS? I dont know, my boyfriend is all about the gym and about taking all this crap, but I am clueless to all of it. According to him it will make me build it faster, but I dont know.
what do you mean he wants you to go on a test? Are you referring to testoserone? AS stands for Anabolic Steroids...
I would start by getting a solid workout plan and a clean good diet. I am not a fan of anyone using AS (anabloic steriods) at age 18, male or female. As far as the diet and workout plan, I'm sure missfit would be more than happy to help, I would but I'm alittle out of my league here.
look you do not need to put anything in your body just because your boyfriend wants you to or says you should ! it sounds like he knows as as little as possible when it comes to who should use it !

never let other ppl make your choices for you !
my girls friend is 19 and is making great gains in strength and size in the gym but she works out with me on my plan she goes rep for rep with every thing I do at a weight that is good for her !

maybe when she is ready to she will run a small cycle of anavar thats all !

but untill then she is doing very well with out drugs !
thanks shiko, I dont know anything about this...what is anavar?? what kind of diet is she on?? I mean I dont think I am in bad shape, I dont really have a stomache but sinces hes all about the gym and working out I figured he knew what he was talking about but I thought test for women makes a female very manly...???
Test is for the advantced female BODYBUILDER. The side effects that could arise are serious and you need to really know what you are doing. Do a search on the site for anavar, there is a good description somewhere. Really though, you shouldn't use anything untill you take full benefit of natural growth, which it sounds like you haven't.
piercez reply

piercez, i would def. not get on any kind of test if i was you, if you have ever looked into this stuff, you would think twice, the side affects are pretty bad. It can make you grow alittle facial hair, it can and will deapin your voice a little, it can make ur stuff down there bigger, lol i dont think thats what u want, steriods, "test" is mainly for people who are exspericenced in the gym, and are very dedicated to that kinda stuff, i honestly do not think that test is right for you, actually i know its not, but if want to get on some kind of supplement to help u out, then go to GNC and talk to the person that works there, and tell him what you want to do, and he will recomend the supplements that are right for you, but yea, try and stay away from the test!! So basically, go to gnc, tlak to the person there, start a new post on this website, and tell them ur stats, ur a girl and all that, and tell them to post you a good diet for you, and u will be way better off with that, i promise, but good luck, if you have any questions just post back and ill get back to ya
Thanks everyone for you help, it's greatly appreciated. I wont do the test, and I was particularly fond of injecting steriods into my body for the main fact that I enjoy being a female and sounding like a female and so forth, I didnt know that it could make your voice deeper...I just thought it could make you grow hair in places that normally shouldnt, thanks for all the tips :)
piercez232 said:
thanks shiko, I dont know anything about this...what is anavar?? what kind of diet is she on?? I mean I dont think I am in bad shape, I dont really have a stomache but sinces hes all about the gym and working out I figured he knew what he was talking about but I thought test for women makes a female very manly...???


as for her diet she follows every thing I do we eat a high protein moderate carb diet for a normal day of food this is what it would be

meal (1) 1cup oatmeal
meal (2) 40g protein shake
meal (3) 6 egg whites
meal (4) 40g protein shake
meal (5) 1 can tuna with either ritz crackers or 2 slices od weat bread
meal (6) 8-10oz meat (beef,chicken,pork) with 1 cup rice
meal (7) 20g protein shake

we eat about every 2 - 3 hours if wee get hungry inbetween meals we will have 1 table spoon of peanut butter and 1 table spoon honey for extra calories

if you need any help just ask I am a personal trainer for Beyond Fitness I am certified through IFTA and have been doing it for 5 years I have been training myself since I was 16 I am now 28 hope I can help
I agree with the guys, no test and no AS in general. # years of working out at your age will do the same if not more than the AS with no harm to your body, Im not one to judge a book, but your boyfriend sounds like he rather have you to showoff than to be healthy-wheelz
shiko24 said:

as for her diet she follows every thing I do we eat a high protein moderate carb diet for a normal day of food this is what it would be

meal (1) 1cup oatmeal
meal (2) 40g protein shake
meal (3) 6 egg whites
meal (4) 40g protein shake
meal (5) 1 can tuna with either ritz crackers or 2 slices od weat bread
meal (6) 8-10oz meat (beef,chicken,pork) with 1 cup rice
meal (7) 20g protein shake

we eat about every 2 - 3 hours if wee get hungry inbetween meals we will have 1 table spoon of peanut butter and 1 table spoon honey for extra calories

if you need any help just ask I am a personal trainer for Beyond Fitness I am certified through IFTA and have been doing it for 5 years I have been training myself since I was 16 I am now 28 hope I can help

bump, great start for her to follow, if its too much or too little adjust it as your workout intensity will determine the # of calories burned
just what i was thinking!!

wheelzdgh said:
I agree with the guys, no test and no AS in general. # years of working out at your age will do the same if not more than the AS with no harm to your body, Im not one to judge a book, but your boyfriend sounds like he rather have you to showoff than to be healthy-wheelz
shiko24 said:
look you do not need to put anything in your body just because your boyfriend wants you to or says you should ! it sounds like he knows as as little as possible when it comes to who should use it !

never let other ppl make your choices for you !

I agree can reach your goal with proper diet and exercise....:D
i just want to know what kind of boyfriend would want his girlfriend to go on test, or any juice. this idea is insane, i would stop and take a long look at what kind of person he is, and if he is right for you. i would never want to put my girlfreind in harms way. EVER
First of all we don't know what this girls stats are. She could look good and not need to do anything but to tone up. Second I think with a boyfriend like yours who needs enemies!? Test is too harsh for a girl your age and you have to remember that every drug you put in your body will have an effect on your body be it good or bad. Certain side fx from test are permanent! If he is not happy with the way you look and is willing to risk your health then get another boy friend. Follow the diet and training tips above and MAYBE later on when you are older and are more familiar with Steroids you can make a better choice on what to take and why. Best of luck to ya!!:) Oh and bigworm I am going to have to disagree with you on the GNC thing (sorry). Gnc imo is really expensive and most of the people there will try to get you to buy alot of their expensive stuff. I hate them, they love high school kids there. Telling them if you buy this you will look like this. They are more about the sales than helping the customer and giving out honest opinion. and there are alot of GNC stores in my city so my opinion is not based on just one store or insident.
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