need opinions on this one


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So I meet this chick when I'm drunk and get her number, but don't really remember what she looks like the next day. We're both busy so we don't get to chill with each other for the whole week, but talk on the phone all the damn time. She turns out to be an awesome fuckin chick, but when I meet her again she's a 6 (cute face, big titties, but no body... pretty good sized tire around the waist too. not huge, but it's there). Normally I'd boot this bitch, and my friends know me for not settling, but I'm really diggin her. I'm gonna be an ass and let you guys decide her fate :D haha. (I'll probably make up my own my regardless of the votes though).
id give her a chance if you really think shes cool and worth it. Get her ass in the gym lol turn her into an 8 then everybody will be happy :). If you wouldnt have talked to her on the phone alot and thought she was a cool girl id say pump and dump but hell if your wanting to give her a chance.
it's a tough call but I would maybe become friends with her even more and see where it goes because it sounds like you guys are getting along so well. Do something physical with her and get out and see how interested she is about being active, it could be she's always had a weight problem or is uneducated in how to live healthier or it could be that just seeing you take your shirt off is enough motivation for her to drop the weight! Good luck bro.
Alright, we'll see. She has a gym membership at my gym, but jus doesn't go. It's gonna be hard for me to get her to come with me on my fucked up schedule too. I'm trying to get her to go here and there, but don't wanna be too pushy. This is a fun game to me, so I think we'll see how she pans out.
yea make it like a date every time you go to the gym that way she can see how important it is to you. Then maybe she will try her best to be a gym fan also.. good luck..
pewntang said:
yea make it like a date every time you go to the gym that way she can see how important it is to you. Then maybe she will try her best to be a gym fan also.. good luck..
that's actually a great idea :thumbsup:
Give it a never know if she will make you happy. Looks aren't everything you know, but you definitely need to be attracted to her. lol.
Get_Swole said:
id give her a chance if you really think shes cool and worth it. Get her ass in the gym lol turn her into an 8 then everybody will be happy :). If you wouldnt have talked to her on the phone alot and thought she was a cool girl id say pump and dump but hell if your wanting to give her a chance.

So true! Its hard to find good girls! Talk 2 her and see where it goes. I have seen so many fat chicks get into shape and get fine! Maybe if she is around you alot it will motivate her to train and eat right.
put her on some var t3 clen and make her do cardio 3 times a day 5 days a week shell be skinny in no time ;)
It's soo true too. If she only let me do what I wanted with her, she'd be in damn good shape in 4 months tops, haha.
I'll start putting liquid clen in her drinks... really thinkin about this one (haha j/k)
dont get her in shape to be a eight - then she will dump you for a 5 !! LOL
One word of advice, dont bug her about her weight. Be supportive but dont nag.
Just hang out, mabey be f--k buddies, and see what pans out. My wife is fat.
she has a beautiful face and we are best friends - thats enough for me. Being in
shape is MY thing - not hers.
Yeah, I'm really jus making a deal of this cuz it's funny. In all actuality, I really dig this chick and am gonna keep her regardless of what she looks like. I figured it would jus make for a funny thread :D
if she is cool, then what the hell right? Cool chicks are hard to come by. Hot, cool chicks -damn near dont exist.

that being said, I dont think she will actually take on your lifestyle. My girl is more active now then when we met, but she never got on the fitness horse like me. Ive dated alot hotter girls, but most weren't cool. Plus side - hot chicks may hit on you after seeing her with her.
She's got some issues with her ex (he's still hung up on her and she feels bad), so it's pretty much over between us... but for some reason we went out to last week and we're going out to see some stand up comedian tonight =/ I guess it's ok for her to want a piece, but I'm pretty much done with it.