need opinions on this one

Not sticking her, but she did pay the last time we went out. I'll prolly try and get her to pay tonight too :D (but we'll prolly jus pay separate).
id just keep drinking till she was a 10, then sleep with her and deny it when i sobered up
Sleep with her friends too. Be like LIL Wayne, "When I was 16 i bought my first mercades benz, must've fucked a thousand bitches and they girlfirends." You're mercades could bee your body and the age could be what you are now.

Fuck it just stick it to her and leave her. Don't get caught up with girls that have ex issues. It never works out. It's just a ton of aggravation that you don't need bro.
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most fat chicks i've nailed worked really hard at keeping me happy. Its really not a horrible experience. Just keep you eyes closed.
Nah, I make it a point not to talk to her unless she calls. She did hit me up to go out tomorrow night though. We're going to see Bill Cosby and she's paying ($40 a ticket), so I guess there's a plus side to her plus size, haha :D Not really interested in her anymore though.
free shit is free shit lol. Cook her dinner some night when she gets over have a big thing of brocolli and Plane chicken breast on her plate. Say if you wanna be with me you better get used to it. If she eats it and is happy keep her if not she will be big forever ditch her. :)
its really easy to dump fat chicks too... They dont get as pissed cause they already know why there being dumped.
Haha nah, but something funny did happen that night. We went out to dinner after the sweet ass Cosby show, and she blows me away with her order. You would think this chick would be somewhat self-conscious around someone who lives the kind of lifestyle we do... but no! She had no shame at all. I order some seared ahi and some blackened fish with a double order of veges. This bitch gets a platter of "Fried Pickles" with some dipping sauce!... I ended up hitting on the hostess there and got her number. Talked to her that night and it turns out she's only 17, go figure :D
teedubgee said:
Haha nah, but something funny did happen that night. We went out to dinner after the sweet ass Cosby show, and she blows me away with her order. You would think this chick would be somewhat self-conscious around someone who lives the kind of lifestyle we do... but no! She had no shame at all. I order some seared ahi and some blackened fish with a double order of veges. This bitch gets a platter of "Fried Pickles" with some dipping sauce!... I ended up hitting on the hostess there and got her number. Talked to her that night and it turns out she's only 17, go figure :D

FRIED PICKLES - I had a fried twinky once but I never heard of fried pickles!!
(was with my wife and 2 daughters and had to get ONE fried twinky to
share - had to check it out - have to say, It was pretty fucking good!!!)
Just remembered - years ago I was in a dive bar getting hammered and
kept buying this cute chick drinks - getting towards closing time and she
says "I'm only 17". I spit my drink in her face (really, by accident) I cant
say how it turned out as I dont know the statute of limitations. And
I now have TWO daughters - SHIT!!!!
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mcgaret said:
FRIED PICKLES - I had a fried twinky once but I never heard of fried pickles!!
(was with my wife and 2 daughters and had to get ONE fried twinky to
share - had to check it out - have to say, It was pretty fucking good!!!)
Just remembered - years ago I was in a dive bar getting hammered and
kept buying this cute chick drinks - getting towards closing time and she
says "I'm only 17". I spit my drink in her face (really, by accident) I cant
say how it turned out as I dont know the statute of limitations. And
I now have TWO daughters - SHIT!!!!
you dirty bastard, this is exactly why i think I'm going to be cursed with all girls! All the things we've done to the girls over the years and all those poor bastard fathers that had to look out the window and see the big guy from the Bronx with the tattoos picking up their little angels... Mmmmwwwaaahhhahaaa oh wait not I'm going to be that DAD!!! Damn it Let's all pray for that Y chromosome!