Need some advice on first steroid cycle.

Thigh and butt should tolerate 3cc. I know mine does. As for shoulders, I've only done 1cc and I've only done it once. Not real familiar with how much mine can handle.
I have a bottle of tren A and test 400..what is the best way to take this. Been told to do 1/2 mill test in butt then 1/2 mill of tren two days later and so on till ots gone..then was told to mix 1/2 of each so I have one mill and do that every other day..tryinv to find out how to use this properly. How would you use this..
I have a bottle of tren A and test 400..what is the best way to take this. Been told to do 1/2 mill test in butt then 1/2 mill of tren two days later and so on till ots gone..then was told to mix 1/2 of each so I have one mill and do that every other day..tryinv to find out how to use this properly. How would you use this..
tren need to be eod say m-w-f so you could do this
monday 1 cc tren half cc test
wensday 1 cc tren half cc test
friday 1 cc tren
Pin it, train hard, eat right and sleep 8 hours a day and try to get in a 1 hour nap at some point as well.
I always heard to do a Test only cycle for your first cycle. That way you can learn how to dial in your E2 with only one compound in play and you can feel how your body reacts to high test levels. That way, when you add a second compound, you will know the changes made to your body for that compound.

Anyway, make sure you buy from a good source - would suck to have bad gear for your first cycle. I personally use PSL for all my AAS needs.
would you recommend to mix trenA with test 400 or to stack..mean do a leg then arm leg then much should I use when stacking or mixing
would you recommend to mix trenA with test 400 or to stack..mean do a leg then arm leg then much should I use when stacking or mixing

You can mix them in the same syringe if you wish, no problem. Start with 50mg of Tren-A EOD and see if you can handle all the potential side effects (such as lack of ability to achieve an orgasm, insomnia, night sweats, anger issues, loss of cardio ability, and more). Now, worst case you will get all of them, best case you get none of them. Most likely you will get SOME of them. If you feel the sides are light, go up to 75mg EOD. No real need to go higher, you have started to hit diminishing returns (or so I understand it).

You can also do what Mountain Man said in a post a bit back.
I have done sus & decca on the past what yoi told me is exactly what the kid said who sold them to me..dose no harm to double check. .nice one for that
If I want to add something to my course whats best when using trenA & test 400 that not heavy on the liver. . Winstrol I've been told.(if thats how you spell it)
Did you start your cycle yet?
Also, did you get EVERYTHING you need for a complete cycle?
Don't forget about PCT. You need to have all of that on hand BEFORE you begin also.
You also need to make sure you have plenty of A.I. before you even begin!

I made the mistake of not having everything I needed for my first cycle, and ended up with puffy nipples.
It was partly because I didn't realize that one of the compounds I was taking was a 19-nor, so I didn't have anything for prolactin.
I got some Anti-P from Presser, and it cleared it up. Thank God!

Anyway, if you're just going with test, primo, and winny, you should be fine without anti-p.

Keep us posted bro!
Im 4 weeks onto a 16 week tren cycle with test planong on adding winstrol at 5 week what is the lowest dose I can use to see a result...I will up my dose when I know how I feel mixing them all together just need to know a minimum dose..anyone help out there to answer this question for me..
Hey guys! So here I am again! At last, i have everything i need for my cycle including PCT. Had to get it from everywhere i could. Cost me a lot and had too many complications while getting it. Thats how it is where I live, especially when you dont know anyone else around you on juice who you can trust. So, anyways, I ended up with 10ml test enathate (300mg/ml), 30ml test prop (100mg/ml), danabol 100 tabs, proviron, stanozolol (lots of it), arimidex and clomed. And now I'm confused where to start from :). I want to do a 10 weeks cycle with leaner gains by the end of it. Any suggestions how to mix tests? Would love some suggestions!
Hey guys! So here I am again! At last, i have everything i need for my cycle including PCT. Had to get it from everywhere i could. Cost me a lot and had too many complications while getting it. Thats how it is where I live, especially when you dont know anyone else around you on juice who you can trust. So, anyways, I ended up with 10ml test enathate (300mg/ml), 30ml test prop (100mg/ml), danabol 100 tabs, proviron, stanozolol (lots of it), arimidex and clomed. And now I'm confused where to start from :). I want to do a 10 weeks cycle with leaner gains by the end of it. Any suggestions how to mix tests? Would love some suggestions!

You shouldn't be mixing the test on your first cycle. Just run test e only at 500mg a week for 12 weeks. You will love it! Test prop isn't for beginners. Trust me your not going to want to inject yourself every other day of the get go.

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