Need some help with my trt


New member
what’s up everybody I was using the anti-aging clinic for about 6 months but they started jacking up the prices and they want me to pay $800 a month for their services.
I decided to stop using them and do self trt on my own.
They had me on 250 mg of testosterone per week, hcg, peptides, and wanted to put me on hgh. I’m 44 years old and 210 pounds. 17% body fat.
If you were to advise me on self TRT , how would you dose
1. testosterone
2. hcg
3. peptides
4. HGH
and which source?
what’s up everybody I was using the anti-aging clinic for about 6 months but they started jacking up the prices and they want me to pay $800 a month for their services.
I decided to stop using them and do self trt on my own.
They had me on 250 mg of testosterone per week, hcg, peptides, and wanted to put me on hgh. I’m 44 years old and 210 pounds. 17% body fat.
If you were to advise me on self TRT , how would you dose
1. testosterone
2. hcg
3. peptides
4. HGH
and which source?
if you want to do TRT you dont need hcg peptides etc

just go with TRT 250mgs test/week with some hgh 1 IU/day thats enough add n2guard 2-3 caps ed
well TRT should be just test and i would go 100-125mgs max. check bloodwork.

too many are using too much trt and ending up with problems
make sure you get blood work so that you can make sure everything is correct and balanced
Do what YOU want. The clinic exists to make money. You'll save a TON doing it yourself

I'd start with test. Use PSL, NapsGear or UGFreak

I'm fairly sure 250mg is too high. But you can get a blood test to monitor that and other markers every 3 months
you cant just throw out cookie cutter trt doses man.. thats why you have doctors monitor and evaluate you to determine what each person actually needs.. your issue was you went to a clinic that only wanted your money with zero intention of actually helping you... i have a trt clinic sponsoring me now that actually cares about their clients and i could certainly refer you there
what’s up everybody I was using the anti-aging clinic for about 6 months but they started jacking up the prices and they want me to pay $800 a month for their services.
I decided to stop using them and do self trt on my own.
They had me on 250 mg of testosterone per week, hcg, peptides, and wanted to put me on hgh. I’m 44 years old and 210 pounds. 17% body fat.
If you were to advise me on self TRT , how would you dose
1. testosterone
2. hcg
3. peptides
4. HGH
and which source?
No hcg for best gear