need tendon strength... Too many injuries


New member
Hey guys I was wondering if there is anything to do that will strengthen my tendons.. I have tendonitis in my right wrist (dont know how I got it) and now what I think is the tendons in my left elbow are stuffed! (arm wrestling and then the next day the pain was unreal. I didn't even wrestle that hard but this pain always comes after arm wrestling)

I'm about to go on my first cycle (once injuries subside) and I'm worried that with the additional strength I might injur myself again.

Do tendons increase in size and strength as your muscle do with traning?
<TABLE border=3 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Exercise</TD><TD align=middle>Muscle Group(s)</TD><TD align=middle>Description</TD><TD align=middle>Sets</TD><TD align=middle>Reps</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Partial Deadlift</TD><TD align=middle>Lower Back, Forearms, Upper Back</TD><TD align=left>To perform this exercise, arrange a heavy barbell on a pair of strong boxes at a height where a partial deadlift can be started from 4-6 inches above your bent knees to the straight-legged position. With your back straight and your head to the front perform the partial deadlifts. Opposite handedness for grip is preferred, ie, one hand facing forward and the other facing back.</TD><TD align=middle>3-4</TD><TD align=middle>4-6</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Partial Row</TD><TD align=middle>Forearms, Shoulders, Biceps, Back</TD><TD align=left>With the same boxes applied as above, lift a heavy barbell from them and stand straight, holding the bar in front of your upper thighs as you begin the exercise. Raise the bar no more than six to eight inches in front of you. A minimal amount of sets and reps is preffered.</TD><TD align=middle>3-4</TD><TD align=middle>4</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Supine Press Lockout</TD><TD align=middle>Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Wrists, Elbows</TD><TD align=left>Arrange a barbell on a pair of boxes so that when you're lying on your back, under the weight, you will have a 6-8 inch distance to press the weight. You may wish to put a mat underneath for the comfort of your back. Take a wide grip of the barbell and press it upwards.</TD><TD align=middle>4</TD><TD align=middle>4</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Hyperextension</TD><TD align=middle>Lower Back</TD><TD align=left>Position yourself face down across a hyperextension bench, with your heels securely in place to the supports. Clasp your hands across your chest or behind your head and bend forward and down as far as possible. From the position in. Come back until your torso is just above parallel.</TD><TD align=middle>3</TD><TD align=middle>10</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Six-Inch Squat</TD><TD align=middle>Knees, Lower Back, Quads</TD><TD align=left>For this exercise, you need to perform it using a proper squat rack. The reason for this is because the danger of the bar not being properly supported is far too great to risk. Stands must be directly below the loaded barbell at all times. With the bar approximately six inches lower than your shoulders, load the bar with considerably more weight than you are accustomed to squatting with for full repetitions. Position yourself under the bar with your back straight and your knees bent. Then, straighten your knees and lift the weight off the rack. Wait for a brief period, bend your knees once again a few inches, and straighten your legs once again.</TD><TD align=middle>5</TD><TD align=middle>5</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
That will help in building the tendons up. There's only so much you can do with building tendon strength, most of it is genetics, but these will help you out a little bit to build up some strength and will make it a little less harmful when you go heavier weights.
thanks for that Big N WV .. ill try give this ago as soon as im healed cos right now i cant even pick up a weight to put on a bar let alone lift the bar.

GHRP's this along with igf and other peptides never get through Aus Customs ... wish it did though
thanks for that Big N WV .. ill try give this ago as soon as im healed cos right now i cant even pick up a weight to put on a bar let alone lift the bar.

GHRP's this along with igf and other peptides never get through Aus Customs ... wish it did though

Not a problem bro, hopefully things subside for you. It sucks, when I was powerlifting my tendons were always fucked, but I learned to train smarter and really focus on "clean up training" which to me basically meant doing the little things to build stabilizer muscles to handle more weight. Even if it was nothing more than putting a ton of weight on a squat rack and just unracking the weight and standing there with it on my back to get my core and spine stabilizers to be used to handling the weight before I ever attempted it. Ice, icyhot and ibuprofen were my best friends for a while.
Alot of people swear Deca helps tendons joint and ligaments, because of the fact that it is proven to help strengthen bones...I think it is possible, plus the water retention may help certain factors that are involved in such injuries or issues you may be having.