neon piss with multivitamins lol?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
hey guys ive noticed this ever since i started taking multivitamins years ago it comes and goes with what kind i use though. Started using gnc mens sport vitamins and within 2 hours or so the next 2 or 3 pisses are like really yellow almost neon lol. When i took animal paks it was really bad too worse even just seeing if i was the only one??
not me, but I take the Flinstones vitamins with my son (2)'s the only way I can get him to take his vitamin. On a side not he also enjoys my protein shakes, but I can't let him get more than a sip of them cause I don't imagine that would be good. I came in one day and he had downed 1/4 of it. I can't wait until he gets old enough to hit the weights with me!!!
Excesive levels of vitamins do that..........I read that your urine should come out clear and that if it doesnt it indicates lack of enough water.

However with mega dose multi's even with high amounts of water the first few days are very yellow.
yeah i drink over a gallon and a half so i doubt thats the case so it will prob go away i just started these like a week ago?
My piss is always neon yellow from the multi's. Only comes out clear when I'm boozing.
The bright color comes from excess B vitamins being flushed out (they're water soluble) because you don't need any more. I must be low because I haven't had that happen for a long time.
yea my piss looks like HI-C ecto cooler!! Is it a waste of money then, cause your literally pissing it away?
Well, theres a lot more of the vitamins that your actually useing, so its not a waste of money. And your using the b-vitamins, but just not all of them
shit i get the same thing from drinking rockstars energy drinks once and awhile .....thats good to know its from the b vitimins ....not that my kidneys are f*&# UP.