New AX Methanoplex


New member
The new Methanoplex 10 formula is white tablet coated in a pink pearl protective cover that will prevent absorption in the stomach, thus allowing for correct absorption in the lower intestine. These are all part of the renewed technology from AX. "Now Available"
sounds like axio is really putting some work into thier research... which means more productive products.... look forward to having all of your things available!! ... lol
Methanoplex is Axio's version of dbol. The problem in the past with other dbols is they tend to be pressed to hard or to soft- which causes little to no absorption. If the tabs are to hard... they can pass straight thru you with little break down thus limited absorption. If they are to soft they'll be broken down in the stomac and which will limit to no absorption in the small intestines. What Axio has done was coated their tablets so its broken down and absorb in the small intestines.
you guys are getting smarter.... and a few more bucks in production equals greater product and higher value.. meaning.. more buyers! ... smart move.. hope it works well for you....
no but i chew the fuckers up and let it sit under my tounge for a few minutes always works leaves a shitty taste in ur mouth for a minute but always works.
dreww said:
anyone try these yet?

Got mine in and they are totally different than the old axio methanoplex tabs. My old ones were smaller and didnt have a white inner part like these do. Probably why they didnt work... I am starting these on monday.
On my second day at 30mgs per day split up morning, noon and pre workout. Today after I took each one I got very very hungry and have been like that all day even after I had my morning muscle milk, salmon fillet and spinach for break, chicken breast and green beans for lunch, had to stop at taco bell on the way home and get some tacos ! Lol! Then cooked up a ribeye for dinner and ate some power butter after that... Still hungry! Does that mean its working that fast???
i am on these as well as their new prop and some syntrope test e , all i can say is axio got their shit together!!!!! the pills are awsome thus far! lower back pain though if u go overboard,lol, and dont drink enough water, tell tale sign shit is strong
just got some of their new proviron yesterday. Never tried proviron before.
Local124bro said:
On my second day at 30mgs per day split up morning, noon and pre workout. Today after I took each one I got very very hungry and have been like that all day even after I had my morning muscle milk, salmon fillet and spinach for break, chicken breast and green beans for lunch, had to stop at taco bell on the way home and get some tacos ! Lol! Then cooked up a ribeye for dinner and ate some power butter after that... Still hungry! Does that mean its working that fast???

Dbol will increase your appetite. We are getting great reviews on the new Axio products!