New AX Proviraplex

Miki - there is no need to show any kind of "gear" on here. You can get any kind of pictures you want and put them up, but that doesn't give anything you say credibility. U seem to have nothing good to say about a company many of us have had very good experiences with. And since you have nothing good to say, my suggestion is that you say nothing further about this.

It is plain to see where your opinions are on this. However, I find it difficult to take the word/advice of a man/woman/child (whichever you are) who uses, or encourages friends to use, when it is obvious (see above picture) that the person is using before he is ready; i.e. putting in the work before so he can get the most benefit.

I have been out of here for awhile friends, but I do know that Axio has been a very good company to me in the past. And I will gladly trust them again in the future...and we should all remember than an infection is the risk we take when we choose to do this. We just need to be sure to do our parts to keep these things from happening b/c it's bad for the company when customers fuck up and blame it on them.
Bro... I can tell you know nothing about the Axio production... I have seen the new lab... I know about the testing thats done to ensure the product is top notch! So dont pretend you know anything about Axio... as its plain as day your only here to try to promote you own line!

Livingsteel since you are axio man,,,why you not show axio gear production..because if garage gear..ugl..;) we all know that..only newbies not!!
Those abscess pics look like someone injected were they shouldnt have and shot too much.....probably hit a vein or artery and pooled some blood then puss......also could be from a dirty needle reused.....many possibilities on that one. Especially since Ive seen tons of abscess in my time from varies methods.....I knew someone who didnt shoot deep enough and the stuff just pooled under his skin causing pain and mimicking an abscess.........if thats real it sucks.
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This guy makes me not want to buy anyones product with those nasty pics! Lol! What an idiot! He is def bashing everyone elses gear!