New Cycle

bro dont talk to members like that! Thats what this site is for ask questions, what good is google when you can come here and ask experienced bodybuilders and get a real answer not some googled text that you dont know where the info comes from.

I can google about 10 different answers for every one question i have , what good is that shit when members can come here and their questions no matter how obvious you might think they are that is what we are here for period!

Thanks Presser for the back up.
02 22 is my start date

I'm putting my diet together for my cycle of IGF.
I know I'm suppose to load on Carbs. Can anybody give me an idea what percentage of carbs I should be intaking on a daily basis?
I'm trying to lean out as much as possible. I weight 225 I'm taking about 200 to 225 protein. My calorie intake to keep my weight is around 2600 calories. I just want to be shredded. I guess a better question would be what should my ration be 40-40-20 ?

I'm taking 60mcg daily.

There a lot of different school of thought when it comes to cutting. A lot of carbs, 0 carbs, keto, etc...

I've been following a basic protocol going off what george farah usually does with his clients. he starts them at a 30%protein/50% carb/20% fat macro split.

and when fat loss stalls he will drop some carbs and up the protein a little bit.

I've had good results from it, i'm eating a decent amount of carbs so even though i'm dieting i have decent energy. I'm not a big fan of low carb diets, both george farah and haney rambod get their clients super lean and have them eating a lot of carbs.

You just have to pick something and see how your body responds, some people are carb sensitive while others can eat a ton of carbs and not put on any fat.

Hope this helped a little.
Thanks it sure does. I just know I'm going to get really hungry. I will need to control how much I eat. Trying to stay at my maintenance calorie intake.
I think press mentioned this earlier but on igf you may want to bump up your maintenance a little. Your metabolism will go up on igf for sure.