Excellent deal and you probably can't find a place to beat this deal and on top of it these products are excellent. I know once I reach a certain age I'm only going to run my trt dose of test and hopefully 2 iu of pharmacy th daily but I will also add in ligandrol and ostarine. When ostarine was first becoming popular I had a few labs on two different boards send me a couple bottles each of ostarine, and I can swear by good ostarine and this is what you are getting here.
I did a lot of experiments with it. I used it in place of an oral in a cycle and had great results. I used it instead of adding another hormone to test and had a great cycle. But one of my favorite uses was in pct and after. It makes it so easy to keep those hard earned gains without a bunch of estro and helps pct feel like its soo vmuch easier to get thru, you are still motivated and will continue to see gains. I like to use exemestane in my pct with osta and ligandrol, plus igf-lr3, and an ai but once pct is done I keep using the osta, igf, ligandrol, and gh if you can get pharmacy. I personally won't use generics no matter how good they are because the ecoli used to make it, in generics usually isn't removed enough like pharmaceutical so your body builds an antibody to it and eventually no gh will work not even your own. This is just from a lot of reading I don't thing running a few kitscof generic is gonna hurt you but I personally would use it long term especially with the alternatives available to us today to increase your own gh. Keep up the great work presser.
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