New Guy & Progress pics


New member
New guy here.

Began training when I was about 25. Started out pretty skinny, and blew up with some hard training and a few cycles. Was thinkin about competing at one point, but I don't know if I have the discipline it would take to do it (I'm a musician as well.. so I've got ADD, ADHD, OCD, or whatever else. HA!).

Soon after the "after" pic was shot, and at 228lbs I landed in the hospital for about 2 1/2 months. Without knowing, I caught a staph infection in July 07, which got into my bloodstream and camped out on my liver. It created abscesses that multiplied like gremlins (for those of you who remember that movie. If not, google it).

Anyway.. so I got out of the hospital one year ago this month, was a very famished and lean 160 lbs. Had to get back core strength to even walk or go up/down stairs. And in the process, I ate like I hadn't tasted food before. Fell out of shape big time (plus the doctors said no gym for 6 - 9 months). The more recent shot is me toward the end of November at about 223. I'm 208 this very moment.. been doing a run of HGH and a low-dosed cutting cycle, with some t3.

Will likely need some feedback and stuff.

Just introducing myself. Thanks for readin.
Lots of obstacles to overcome but you have persevered and done really well.
I think if you want to compete, you should set your goals for that.
I am in the school that everyone should do one contest or at least prep for one at least once in your life. Only a small amount of the population can say they have ever eaten chicken breasts for 4 months straight, gone without water and sodium for days, and eaten dry oatmeal to carb up.
Welcome to MC, looking forward to your contributions.
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Welcome to the board bro, scary story about the staph. I had a run with it last year and luckily caught it in time and I was only messed up for about a month. Glad to hear you're on the mend and making progress! Keep up the good work.
welcome bro. Our stories are pretty similar. I started out at 135 about 15 years ago. Im 220ish right now finishing up a low dose cycle. Ill have some progress pics after some pct and I lose this freaking water. Looking good though. Keep it up.
damn bro, made some serious gains. Your current pic looks pretty good to me. Big guns for sure.
Pics are pretty impressive. Question for you, how do you know you have a staph infection or even get one? This is scary considering i am starting my first cycle, and this thread just scared the shit out of me!
NASEEM: I got the staph from a dental procedure, and was on a sh*tload of tren, which weakened my liver. The infection got into my bloodstream from a cut the dentist made in my gums, and traveled to my liver, and created abcsesses.

Trying to shake the post-holiday gain... having a hard time. Course, I could start getting in cardio in the morning. I also stopped taking the clenbuterol. Have been on GH now since Nov 1, and just started up tren acetate w/ masteron. I'm also taking t3 25mg per day.
You should start seeing results from the GH by now, what was your dosage?
4iu every other day. And I had a 4 day lapse when Delta lost my fucking lugguage on my way back to NYC from the holidays (it was in my bag).

I'm still trying to shake the thickness around my gut/back, but everything else seems to be catching up really well. Course, I'm my own worst critic, and I seem to be one of the bigger fish in the pond at the gym.